Executive Coaching: Learn From the Best to Be the Best

Author: Eshan Bhatia

At the core of any successful executive coaching is the difficult and challenging task of training leaders. The concept of leadership is undergoing major transformation in the present time with the need to find more dynamic risk taking leaders who instill a never ending confidence in the team and take the organization ahead by leaps and bounds. Executive coaching is aimed at training executives who are leaders and have spent significant time in the organization. Such executives are familiar with the nitty gritty of the organization and are in sync with the changing times. Blanchard International India has an impressive legacy of training executives in a holistic manner and can be credited with one of the finest executive coaching modules, which is a remarkable feat in itself.

Executive coaching is a challenging task because the training is supposed to be imparted to some of the highly credible executives in a limited time with the best resources. The challenge lies in imparting a wide array of skills that they do not possess already. Now this becomes cumbersome as most of them are professionals with several years of work experience in their kitty. Sometimes, it could get chaotic, hectic and even superfluous. The million dollar question is - how can one solve the dichotomy surrounding executive coaching? Absolute clarity in terms of the agenda of the program and precise planning are the solutions to avoid this much anticipated mayhem.

Some of the factors that make up a great executive coaching program include:

  • Organization: In the process of helping executives, the coach should be careful enough to be highly organized to begin with. A systematic and structured approach should be followed in the best interest of both the parties. As they say, you can’t enter a battle unprepared.
  • Give direction: This is perhaps the most integral factor in any coaching regime. Even if the person is highly skilled, a good sense of direction is what will propel him to bigger heights. The point is to direct the thoughts and the invaluable experience of the professionals in a more synchronized and organized manner towards a pre-defined goal. The point is to bring about significant improvements and extend the capabilities to an extent that was unimaginable before.
  • Challenge established notions: A
good executive coaching program not only improves and encourages, but also challenges the set notions and theories of the executive. This is often regarded as the culminating process of the executive coaching regime.

Blanchard International’s program lays down several important factors that might be crucial in bringing out the best in you. Having garnered substantial experience in the field, it will definitely come to the aid of your employees both at a personal and a professional level.

A consolidated executive coaching regime focuses on these three essentials:

  • Transformation: An executive coaching program brings a great deal of self transformation and infuses freshness and vigor that might be a deal fixer in your next assignment. It is an amalgamation of personal and professional transformation.
  • Interpersonal skills: There is a marked improvement on this front which is beneficial in the long run. This is something which can’t be undermined, judging by the fact that these interpersonal skills stay with employees for a lifetime.
  • Networking: An executive program is a fabulous opportunity to strengthen the networking system by meeting people from across the globe sharing the same vision. This could give rise to opportunities for future collaboration.