Filagra for a happy married life

Author: Ella Stevens

Many marriages go through rough patches. Some can recover from it while many sadly cannot. Now these rough patches can be cause by many factors such as loss in sexual chemistry, a mutual ignorance that builds up over time, boredom (yes it’s a possibility) amongst others. Now a prominent reason for loss of sexual chemistry could be erectile dysfunction or ED. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to develop or maintain an erection satisfactorily during sex. It’s estimated that out one out of ten men above the age of 45 suffer from it. So how can we deal with erectile dysfunction? ED drugs are the best way to deal with your problem. Filagra is a variant of Sildenafil citrate and has rapidly gained prominence in the market because of its high effectiveness.

What’s Filagra?

Filagra is one of the best known medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Also it treats pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH). Filagra pills contain the vital ingredient Sildenafil Citrate which inhabits PDE5 a substance that demeans cGMP which plays a major role in erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil Citrate widens the arteries in male penis and as a result there is increased blood flow in that area leading to an erection. The effect of the medication is up to 24 hours.


Do not take more than one pill a day. Consumption of extra pills will neither increase the duration of your erection or the size of your erection but it could lead to a dangerous overdose.

How to take Filagra?

You can take Filagra orally with a glass of water. There are no worries if you forget to take Filagra as it’s used as per need.

Side effects

Common Sildenafil side effects include headache/dizziness, blurred vision, muscle pain/back pain and upset stomach amongst others. Rush to the nearest medical professional if you exhibit any side effects.

How to Buy?

Isn’t it becoming too much of a hassle to got your local pharmacy for buying your drugs from your local pharmacy? Just the thought of walking for 5 min's or god forbid 10 min's is too much of an effort in today’s increasingly techno savvy world. So buying Filagra online becomes your best option. Buying online gives you the comfort of ordering from your own. All the drugs sold online will be FDA approved and subject to strictest of quality checks. One great plus of buying generic Filagra online is it will be considerably cheaper than brand name products and you will be able to buy them without prescription. Also many online pharmacies offer free online coupons. On activation of these free coupons it’s possible to buy Filagra online in bulk at highly incentivized rates.