MIMIC IOS Simulator- The Most Productive and Effective Tool For IT
MIMIC simulator is a product suite consisting of network simulation software for network engineers. The simulator has several components which are related to simulation of managed networks and data centers. The MIMIC IOS simulator is meant to solve a classical simulation problem.
With it is ability to fully support Cisco IOS software and SNMPV1, V2, V2c, V3, the MIMIC IOS simulator is the most integrated tool in the market. You can simulate up to 100,000 devices in a single workstation and an unlimited number of devices can be simulated by distributing it over multiple workstations. With the simulator, you can access devices using telnet, SSH and SNMP. When changes are made using one protocol, they are reflected in other.
MIMIC IOS simulator includes with many ready to go simulations for Cisco devices which include the 3640, 7206, 6260, 6500 and works seamlessly with Cisco Prime Infrastructure, GSR manager, Cisco works 2000 and other network management applications. If you want to test your networking applications, you can use hundreds of simulated Cisco IOS commands. Also with the MIMIC CLI/IOS recorder you are can record any command and simulate it.
The IOS simulator simulates the following components to approximate a Cisco device. First it can simulate the telnet using a standard server thus allowing users to log into simulations in order to control the behavior and configuration of the simulations. A device which is telnet-enabled can be simulated using MIMIC. If you want a secure access, SSH version 1.5 and 2.0 are supported by the simulator. There is also support for remote logging, where SYSLOG messages are sent to a SYSLOG server.
MIMIC Simulator can simulate the entire network. The configurations are run-time customizable. MIMIC responds to queries on an of its configured IP addresses so it is as if the NMS application is talking to an actual device. The simulator also includes MIMIC Recorder where the behavior of the device on a network is simulated by capturing a snapshot of the device in operation. From here the simulation can then easily replay the entire network.
The simulator also includes MIMIC Compiler. With this, you can import any SMI compliant MIB and then extend it to the set of defined devise to support proprietary equipment. The working principle of the SNMP simulation is that the SNMP protocol is an interface that can be simulated upon request.
About Author:
Gambit Communications is the leader in IOS simulator, NetFlow and MIMIC IOS simulator simulator tools that enhance the productivity of management software developers.