Reliable Ship Building Company Kochi For Ship Building And Repairing

Author: Vijay Gupta

Of late there has been a massive growth in the shipping industry in India. Besides passengers, huge quantity of cargo is being transported via the waterways. It is happening both in case of exports and imports and the quantum has been rising at the rate of over 8% per annum. To handle such huge amount of cargo it is necessary that the transport system is supported by a good number of ships that are in excellent running conditions. That is exactly the point where ship building & repairing India takes the front seat.

Ports Across the Coastlines

India is the largest peninsula of the world and has a substantially long coastline. On the eastern coasts there are major ports like Kolkata Diamond Harbor, Paradeep, Vishakhapattanam, and Chennai among others. On the west coast there are Porbandar, Mumbai, and Kochin or Kochi. Importance of Kochi in the state of Kerala is that it is one of the natural ports with excellent yard facilities.

Importance of Repairing and Maintenance

Just like ship building it is extremely important taking care of repair and maintenance of the ships built and for their remaining operational for longer duration. These repair and maintenance has two broad sectors. One of them relates to the repairing and maintenance of the machineries. The other part relates to taking care of the body and both interior and exterior of the ship for which such works is taken up. The task is huge and it requires the services of expert professionals who understand all the challenges in the process that come their way. Over the years thus the public and private sector companies taking up ship building & repairing India have increased considerably.

Major Ship Building Centers

There are four major ships building, repairing and maintenance centers in India. These are Kolkata, Mumbai, Vishakhapattanam, and Kochi. The repair and maintenance works entrusted to Kochi centers to both public as well as private sector companies have increased manifold during the past few years commensurate to the massive growth of shipping industry in India. Private ship building company Kochi is no less in demand in the market. There are a few that have their own shipyard as well as steel fabrication unit. They take care of all types of requirements of the clients in respect of building, repair, and maintenance of all types of ships.

Factors for Consideration in Selection

Certain factors need to be taken care of while entrusting one of the companies with the task of repairing and maintenance of the ship. Ship building and maintenance requires huge investments and there are more important aspect of the safety and security of the crew and passengers also involved in the process. Therefore before selecting the Ship Building Company Kochi for accomplishment of such tasks it is necessary taking a closer look at the track record of the company concerned and their terms and conditions so as to avoid any unpleasant surprise at the end of it.

An important thing would be looking for legal aspects and whether the company is licensed by the authorities to carry out such works and conforms to the ISO standards.