How to Keep Your Phone Running In Pristine Condition
There are numerous cellphone manufacturers in today’s marketplace. Years ago, when phones started as a simple gadget to make phone calls and stay connected on the go has reached unprecedented heights under the name of technological advancement.
Now-a-days, people not only use the cellphone to make phone calls or send emails, it has become a full-fledged multimedia devices – a mp3 player, a gaming console, a camera and a GPS all in one nifty little device in your pocket.
But even this comes at a price. As we saw the list of new features pile on, we steadily saw the decline in the battery life. Battery life has a big influence on the performance of the smartphone as an old battery can lose its charge comparatively sooner than a new battery. One way of ensuring that the battery maintains its performance is by preserving it from extreme temperatures.
It is also vital to keep a watch on the installed apps and games on the device and promptly get rid of any unused or outdated applications.
In extreme cases, you can opt for a factory reset to restore the mobile to its out-of-box configurations.
Let’s look at some of easy maintenance tips to use, compiled by a renowned mobile repairing institute in India:
Tip#1: Maintain a Battery Charging Cycle
Typically, if the mobile is fully charged it work much better and faster from when it isn’t. But given the lifestyle one cannot afford to keep the phone on the charger at all times, instead maintain a routine time every day to charge your battery fully. This could usually be at the end of the day when you hit the sack or periodically midday if you suffer from poor battery life or use it extensively.
Most of the lithium-ion batteries have a limited charging cycles which last around 3-5 years with proper care. Extreme high temperatures are a death warrant for smartphone batteries.
The battery is shown to last longer in colder climates or when an optimal phone temperature is maintained.
Tip#2: Apps and Processes
A smartphone is quite similar to the laptop in its processing capabilities, albeit not as powerful. If you tend to open large apps or keep multiple apps open at a given time, it will take a load on the RAM and snag the phone to a standstill.
There are various task killers like the ones for desktops and laptops to eliminate the processes upon exit. This will save you processing power which will save you your battery juice.
Tip#3 Executing a Factory Reset
Factory reset is the last straw for ultimate mobile rejuvenation. It is for when the phone is tremendously clogged with spam and malicious apps which are deep seeded in the root directory or just when the average data has cramped the storage. Performing a factory reset is a standard procedure advocated by any mobile repairing course online or institutional before proceeding with any diagnosis.
After the factory reset, the phones OS will still be the same, just like you had it when you first started your phone after unboxing.