HCG – An Effective Way To Lose Weight

Author: Manoj Kumar

Are you thinking of shedding a few kilos in order to get that toned body? Are you tired of all the Weight Loss programs? If the answer to these questions is yes, then HCG is the best thing for you. This treatment has been effective in helping men and women successfully lose weight. Basically, HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and it is a hormone produced in women during pregnancy. Apart from helping in weight loss, it offers a lot of other benefits too. If the diet is followed properly then, it can provide immediate and effective Weight Loss and improved body shape.

How does HCG help?

  • It is a quick and easy way of Losing Weight. It gives a boost to the weight loss programs.
  • It resets the weight of the body in which the body feels comfortable. It also helps to detoxify body.
  • It speeds up the metabolism and corrects the way in which the body stores fat.
  • It helps to improve the body shape. One does not need to undergo any kind of operation to attain a perfect sculpted body.
  • Most people overeat as they are stressed out or depressed, it helps to overcome emotional eating.
  • It reduces food cravings and binging by shrinking the stomach size and hence the appetite.

Phases In A Typical HCG Weight Loss Program

  • The first two days are the loading phase in which HCG should be taken. In this period, you require to eat high calorie and heavy food to help you keep going for the next phases.
  • The next phase is low calorie diet food phase. It requires you to eat 500 calories per day along with HCG. Within this low calorie and low carb diet specific proteins, vegetables and fruits are taken to help you to relieve your food cravings without gaining much fat.
  • After around a month comes the low calorie diet without HGC phase. You should continue your low carb and calorie diet.
  • Then comes the maintenance phase. You must avoid starches and sugars for the first three weeks. You must maintain the healthy lifestyle including healthy diet & regular exercise.

If you are looking for HGC, then why not take it from RXLchemist. It is a reliable Online Medical Store In India. This online pharmacy is well known for its Cheap Prescription Medicines In USA. It offers Men’s Health Pills, Muscle Relaxant Pills, Antibiotic Pills, Pain Relief Pills, Asthma Tablets, Eye Care Products, Heart & Cholesterol Medicines and much more. It is the best option to purchase wholesale medicines at reasonable prices. For more details, you can visit www.rxlchemist.com