Now, Work With A Better Network
Author: Sunil Sonwana
Something that every mobile phone user hates, is to try making a call, only to discover that their phone that has no proper cellular reception. It becomes worse when this problem is persistent. There are a few solutions that can be found, for those who often find themselves in such a situation.
- Find the reason for this poor signal: There are a variety of factors that can affect your cell phone reception. These include your geographical location, your cell phone itself or even the material with which your house is made. Once you know the reason, it becomes much easier to understand how to solve it.
- Charge your phone: When a mobile phone doesn’t have enough battery, it might face a problem in searching for a network. A user might not be able to detect this as the problem, because according to him, the phone has enough battery to make calls. The more battery strength a phone has, the better reception it will get.
- Refresh signal: It’s not unusual for an old phone to get stuck while looking for cell reception, through the nearest tower. In order to fix this, a user can either restart his phone or just switch it to flight mode for a second and then turn it back on to latch onto a network.
- Switch to a different SIM: If the signal problem persists, the consumer can also try switching to a different SIM card. But, this should be done only after making sure, that the SIM is in fact, the cause behind their signal problems.
- Signal repeater: Modern day technology has come up with a lot of new things, one of which being a signal repeater. This is a portable device, which can be plugged into any power outlet. This device catches the nearest signal and broadcasts them wider, solving the problem of a weak signal.
- Network Signal Strength Checker: BillBachao has come up with a unique feature, which is the network signal strength checker. This feature allows you to view the signal strength and check network speed that different SIMs of different companies carry in a particular area. This can be very helpful for consumers, as this is one way they can know from a reliable source about which SIM would serve their needs best.
In order to avail various such features like checking network speed, online recharge options for mobile phones, and availing huge discounts while doing so, log on to the BillBachao website or download their all new mobile app.
Sunil Sonwana is a loyal user of the BillBachao website, because of the unique network signal strength checker feature they provide.