5 Steps to Healthy Winter Skin

Author: Elise Thornton

As the evenings get darker and the cold sets in, our skin is forced to quickly adapt to the continuous, harsh changes that the wintery season brings.

Studies show that 47% of us suffer from dry or very dry skin during the winter months

The wet, cold and windy weather that inevitably arrives with the winter season plays havoc with our skin leaving our complexions looking dry, dull and noticeably pale. With nearly half of the population suffering with extremely dehydrated winter skin Natalie Hart, Operations Manager at the UK's Best Luxury Destination Spa*, Titanic Spa in West Yorkshire, where winter winds can blow very cold, shares her top tips to ensure you look after your skin this winter.

Moisturise Religiously - The holy grail of all skin tips and probably the most obvious is to moisturise every single day, though it is surprising how many people actually miss out this important step in their skincare regime. Wet and windy weather is the biggest problem to our skin causing painful chapping and irritating flaky patches. Moisturising every day ensures you are protecting yourself from the elements as well as treating the skin that has already fallen victim.

Top Tip: Opt for a moisturiser which contains a desert plant. This ingredient has the ability to hold huge amounts of water which, when released onto the skin, is deeply hydrating and thirst quenching for the skin.

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Drink Water - During the winter, we are less likely to feel hot and thirsty which means we can easily forget to drink the RDA for water. This can cause the skin to dehydrate even more, so ensure you are drinking at least 2 litres of water a day.

Top Tip: To ensure you are drinking as much water as you do in the summer, try having a 1 litre bottle of water with you at all times. You can use this bottle as an indicator of how much water you have consumed and how much you have left to go.

Sweet Dreams - With the winter season comes the celebrations of Christmas and New Year, making us lack in precious hours of shut eye. When you are deprived of a healthy amount of sleep, your body releases more of the stress hormone cortisol. This stress hormone has huge effects on your skin, breaking down collagen which is responsible for keeping the skin smooth and elastic.

Top tip: Enjoy a cup of calming chamomile tea before you go to bed to promote relaxation and sleep. Make sure you wake yourself gently in the morning by leaving a small gap in the curtains open to allow a small amount of natural light into the room.

Avoid Irritation from Winter Woollies - While wrapping yourself up in your cosiest woolly scarfs is a welcomed winter warmer, the rough texture of the fabric can be irritating on your skin. The skin on your neck is a lot thinner and far more reactive, making it even more sensitive than the skin on our face. The friction on our neck caused by our woolly scarfs can cause a build of dry skin cells which have a deeply dehydrating effect on our skin. It is important that you treat the skin on your neck with as much care and attention you would with your face.

Top Tip: Dedicate some time in your week to give yourself a 'Neck Facial'. Start by gently exfoliating the skin with a natural exfoliant to remove the build of up dead skin cells. Then, while keeping your skin taut, apply a nourishing face mask to the neck. Remove after 10-15 minutes to ensure deep nourishment.

Adapt your Diet - You really are what you eat, so ensure you are nourishing your skin from the inside out with a healthy diet. Make sure you are including skin-friendly foods such as carrots, nuts, blueberries and leafy greens and avoiding salty food to reduce a 'puffy' and dry complexion.

Top Tip: Add some Omega Oils into your daily diet. These will replace any essential fats in your skin that are lost in the winter to lock in moisture.

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