Ayurvedic Medicine For Menorrhagia

Author: Nida Nam

Do you experience heavy bleeding during menstruation? Do not know what it is? This is Menorrhagia. Excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation is known as Menorrhagia. Many women across the world suffer from this ailment and look for the best ways to overcome this disorder. In Ayurveda, this disorder to excessive bleeding is known as ‘Rakta Pradara.’ Even the Ayurveda treatment of this condition is very successful. This condition is a result of hormonal imbalance in the body.

According to Ayurveda, aggravation of Pita is responsible for this ailment. Another serious reason can be uterus cancer.

Amid feminine cycle (menstruation) patient may feel torment in guts, lumber locale or hips and unnecessary draining happens for a long stretch. This illness depletes the patient and if not treated it may prompt different complexities like anemia. Giddiness, cerebral pain anxiety is couple of indications those are griped by the patient. Patient may likewise feel windedness.

Ayurveda Treatment for Menorrhagia

Today, every treatment has some cure and same with Menorrhagia. Though, the most trusted treatment is in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic Treatment:

Ashoka is one of the most effective Ayurvedic Medicines for Menorrhagia. This herb is very effective to treat this condition. Lodhra is another herb of decision in Ayurveda to treat this condition. The barks' powder of these two herbs is regulated to the patient either independently or in a compound structure. This can be given four times day with a dosage of one teaspoonful.

Ashokarista and Lodhrasava are two well-known pharmaceuticals in Ayurveda which are encouraged to the patients with measurements of 30 ml twice every day after food with water. Delicate leaves of pomegranate tree are additionally useful in this condition. Seven delicate leaves and seven grains of rice are combined to set up a glue and given to the patient twice every day for a month.

Pravala(coral) and Mukta(pearl) are utilized as a part of the intense state of this infection. The powder type of this solution famously known as pishti is given to the patient in the dosage of 100 mg four times each day.


All sort of hot and spicy food should be maintained a strategic distance from. Old rice, wheat, moong dal, milk and ghee can be given to the patient. Pomegranate, sugarcane juice, grapes, banana, jack natural product are helpful for the patient. Maintain a strategic distance from any sort of activity. Take adequate rest rationally and in addition physically. Unnecessary introduction to sun, vehicle riding, long adventure are hurtful in this sickness.


Ayurveda suggests that certain dietary changes which can help in treating or if nothing else lessening the issue's impact. It recommends going for a sound eating routine with a lot of foods grown from the ground. Eliminated salt to counteract bloating and sugar which may bring about your blood glucose levels to swing, influencing your vitality and longing. It may help to curtail fat which can energize bosom swelling, and caffeine and liquor, as both can bring about emotional episodes.

These are non-hormonal plans produced using unadulterated herbs and ought to be used general for around 2-3 months to control the dying. Ultrasound, Hormonal Essay (Blood tests) must be done to check the fundamental reason. Today, you can find many Ayurvedic Medicines for Menorrhagia. But when consuming, make sure to consult an Ayurveda expert.