Street-style Trend Alert - Mirrored Sunglasses

Author: Roopa Behari

I, like most of my friends and colleagues, have a habit of scrolling through the posts and updates on my social-media profile at least once a day, and also browse through any other pictures that my friends share on the photo-sharing app. If there is one thing that I have noticed about their ensemble for any holiday, it is that all of them have worn sunglasses, mostly aviators, but the ones with bright, colorful, and reflective lenses. And I would be lying if I didn’t think that they all looked stunning with those sunglasses on. So I googled, and here’s what I found - those shiny, reflective lenses are called mirror lenses, and the sunglasses that frame such lenses are called mirrored sunglasses.

I had no doubt about the fact that mirrored sunglasses are a way to go, considering that all the trend-conscious ladies in my social-circle were flaunting them. So I searched more, and found out how big a trend they were. I wondered how could I possibly miss buying such trending pair of sunglasses. So I ordered one pair for myself through an e-commerce portal. I received the package within a week of placing the order. I had already settled the payment by my bank card, so as soon as the delivery guy handed the package to me, I rushed to cut it open and try my new sunglasses.

Although they looked the same as in the image on the online portal, I wasn’t sure if they would suit me as much as they suited those girls in the pictures. I thought they would make me look darker than my actual skin complexion. But very soon, I realised that I was wrong. It all depends on the wearer’s attitude. I tried them on, clicked a few pictures, and sent them to my best-friend and my sister to get their opinion on whether I should keep these mirrored sunglasses or get them exchanged for a refund. Contrary to my expectations, I found my friend and sister complimenting me for those mirrored sunglasses. So I decided to keep them, and wear them soon - on the trip that I had planned for the upcoming weekend.

If you too are looking to buy a new pair of sunglasses, then I would suggest that you take a break from the basic blacks and browns. Keep no doubts about the sun-protection factor of these mirrored sunglasses online shopping. They are no less functional in shielding your eyes from the sun’s rays. You can walk in broad daylight feeling as safe for your eyes, as you did while wearing sunglasses with other lenses.

You can be creative and look different by choosing different shapes of frames, and differently colored reflective coating for the lenses. Look cool on the beach with the ultra-blue mirror lenses, or paint a rosy picture on a lunch date by wearing pink-colored clubmaster mirrored lenses. Flaunt your fun and flirty attitude with brown-and-green aviator mirrored sunglasses, or complete your bohemian ensemble by adding a pair of white-framed sunglasses with brown-colored reflective lenses. You can also pair an oversized frame with reflective lenses with an all-black outfit for a chic and stylish look.