Finding storage space in a small home

Author: Anna Preston

Finding space to store everything the contemporary family needs can be a challenge, to say the least. With modern homes on average 30 per cent smaller than they were in the 1950’s, and 21st century families having more clutter than fifty years ago, the result is thousands of families living in more cluttered, uncomfortable homes.

For most people, the option to extend their home or convert attics or basements is beyond their financial or practical reach. This means they must learn to live with the space they already have, which means they need to be more creative about storage. Here are some ideas for finding hidden storage space around the home that you may not have thought about.

  • Go up
If you’ve run out of horizontal space in the home, see if you can go vertical instead. Most rooms have at least 20 per cent of their volume area wasted, because it’s above the height of the furniture and the occupant’s heads. Think about space above sideboards, over doors and up walls to create more storage areas without impacting on the available floor space.
  • Multipurpose furniture
Families have to have certain things, such as beds, a sofa and somewhere to eat meals. When being creative about storage, consider where those things are earning their keep for the floor space they take up, or whether there might be another way. Sofas with under seat storage can be perfect for tucking away the kid’s toys, and footstools or coffee tables that double as DVD storage make it easy to keep the place tidy.
  • Dead space
You might think you’ve filled up your home to the max, but have you really? Consider the area where the two kitchen cupboards meet – usually dead space. Consider installing a sliding shelf in that corner to add to the storage space you have for pans or dry foods. Under the stairs is another area often wasted, so consider buying a rollaway drawer or neat sized box to slip in here and make use of the available space.
  • Self storage
If you’ve really come to the end of the available space in your home and your cupboards, loft and garage are full to bursting point, there is always the option to rent aself storage bedfordunit for things you don’t need every day. Self storage can come at a very reasonable cost, and is certainly cheaper than moving to a bigger home. Consider putting in things that are out of season, such as garden furniture in winter and heavy clothing in summer.

Finding a place for everything and putting everything in its place is the key to having a tidy, clutter free home. It might seem like a tough task right now, but once you’ve found a home for all your belongings, you’ll find it much easier to keep it that way. Of course, having less belongings in the first place can make the whole process much easier, so consider having a big clear out and then finding storage for only the things you really need.