Basic Information On Coupelle Menstruelle!

Author: Sara Latimer

What is a cup menstruelle? A menstrual cup is hygienic, reusable sanitary product. This is one which is made out of medical grade silicon. These are the 2 inches long and are also irritation free. This is because these cups do not comprise of latex, dyes, toxins or bleaches.

Coupe menstruelle is worn internally like that of tampon. These cups do not absorb the menstrual fluid but rather collect it. These cups are not like that of tampons as these cups are not disposable product. Hence there is a need for you to purchase only one which helps you to save tons of money.

How do these cups work? Just before your periods start, you need to tightly fold the menstrual cup and insert it like that of the tampon without an applicator. You will not feel it inside once you insert it well. It is similar to having a birth control ring or diaphragm in the right place.

You should first rotate the cup so that it can rest at the vaginal walls and open up properly. This creates a seal to prevent all the leaks. The blood will then simply drip into the cup.

Majority of the coupe menstruelle France are reusable but then you can also look around for some which are disposable. to release the seal you have to pinch at the base and pull the stem sticking to get rid of it. After this you just need to empty it, wash it with the soap and water and replace it. You can then sterilize the cup in boiling water at the end of the cycle.

How much fluid can coupe menstruelle Française contain? Majority of the menstrual cups will hold around 30 ml of fluid that is around one third of the average total flow every period. With your vaginal wall a light seal of formed when you place the menstrual cup and it allows the flow to easily pass in to the cup without odor or leak. As compared to changing of pads and tampons you will have to very less frequently empty the menstrual cup.

What are the advantages of using coupe menstruelle? Cup menstruelle is eco and wallet friendly. This is one which is not too costly but then is very durable. This reduces the landfill waste and not much money and time is spent. These are the many benefits offered which you cannot get with disposable sanitation items.

The coupelle menstruelle can be left inside for up to 12 hours Tampons are required to be changed every four to eight hours on the basis of your flow. However the cups can stay for long time. Hence they are good for overnight protection. You will not have to wear a back up pad or some liner once you get habituated with the insertion process of the same.

You can check out a few online websites and other sources in case you are looking out to purchase these cups.