Benefits you can reap by getting 501c3 status
Organizations including the nonprofit organization have to pay tax on the revenue generated. But, the nonprofit organization can get the tax exemption under 501c3 for getting contributions and donations from others to expand their business. However, this benefit can only be availed by the organization that falls under 501c3 tax exemptions. The organization can receive donations without deductions of taxes from that amount. However, getting the active 501c3 status is highly challenging and daunting. But, there are many organizations which fill 501c3 application and help the nonprofit organization to get the 501c3 status from internal revenue service (IRS).
You need to hire a reliable and foolproof organization which helps you get the 501c3 tax exempt status successfully. However, these people will prepare all the necessary documents to get the status for nonprofit organizations at an incredibly affordable price. They follow up the IRS and ensure that you get the status swiftly. Generally, it is a laborious process to get the status. So, instead of hiring an amateur volunteer to take care of this IRS Form 1023 & IRS 1023 EZ process, hiring the experienced one will get your job done at a faster pace. Moreover, if the documents are not submitted on time or if the processing work is done inefficiently, then the status you want to attain would be delayed by a couple of months or years.
Third you can place your sharp eye on all those organizations who have failed totally due to mismanagement. Although the organizations are not meant to make profit they should be run by professionals for good governance so that they will socially solve other’s problem.
Here are a few benefits one can reap by getting 501c3 status
Your organization will appear to be more credible to the public entities and other organizations. Moreover, you possess all the right to put this status on all your forms and applications you fill.
Give tax deductions to the donors, when they give donations to your organization
Get eligibility to get the grants that are given in state, federal and local levels. You are given a certificate of proof that you have 501c3 status
Get attractive discounts on postage rates and mailing services, thus saving money, advertisements about events
Author Bio: The writer is an expert in the field of 501c3 tax exempt with focus on nonprofit website.