Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy a New Ray of Hope for Autism

Author: Jack Jones

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complicated growth impairment of brain. The typical signs appear during early childhood and affect the kid’s capability and skills to interact with society. ASD is defined by a set of behavior pattern and is a "spectrum condition" affecting children in a different manner and to varying degree. There is no known single known cause of autism, but increased cognizance and early diagnosis and intervention may lead to improved results.

ASD currently affects as many as 1 in 250 (figure may vary as many cases are not diagnosed) and currently more than 10 million people are suffering in India.

Till today there are no medicines or surgery that can cure autism or treat the core symptoms.

Types of Therapies

There are various therapies available for ASD like auditory training, discrete trial training, vitamin therapy, anti-yeast therapy, communication, therapy by music, occupational therapy, physical therapy and sensory integration. There are also other approaches like diet & medication etc. which can add to the child’s progress.

The various therapies can be classified as:

  • Behavior and Communication treatment

  • Dietary treatment and medication

  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

A child’s treatment plan should always have regular medical and dental exams.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the clinical use of oxygen at a higher atmospheric pressure. During HBOT a patient breathes oxygen at an increased concentration (up to 100% – in comparison, room air has about 21% oxygen) using a HBOT chambers.

Recent research demonstrates that HBOT can mobilize stem cells from bone marrow, which may help in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases; based upon these findings HBOT has become accepted in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community.

Several new researches in HBOT may give this therapy more acceptance as a treatment for autism.

How HBOT helps in Autism?

The exact reasons how HBOT it helps children with ASD are still being researched, however there are some clear findings in this therapy which can be understood to make use of it in ASD. Firstly, it removes toxins, such as heavy metals from the body and reduces inflammation which allows oxygen deprived areas to have a return of blood flow. It also builds new capillaries in the brain and helps in reducing the inflammation of gut.

Effects of HBOT in ASD

Autistic kids have shown benefits of HBOT that includes improved sleep, children becomes calm and more affectionate. Improvement in focus and attention and improved bowel function has been observed. HBOT treatment showed less sensory disturbance and improved cognition. They are more connected to family and society.

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