Chasing giants: three questions for bert bedrosian
BY Michelle BaumgartnerOctober 18, 2015
I recently had a chance to catch up with the very private Bert Bedrosian. I pondered the best way to write about a man that has been instrumental in creating so many iconic American brands, but I didn't know where to start.
Here was my chance to interview someone who generally doesn't give interviews and I have been chasing for years. Bert is notorious for his embaresmemt that anything he's doing, or has done, is a big deal. Why did he say yes to me?
Well, after much consideration I just settled on the fact that he must have found my charm irresistible.
I decided to play three questions and somehow knew he'd like it.
M.B.: Hi Bert, thanks for sitting down with me.
B.B.: My Pleasure young lady. Ask away.
M.B.: well first the obvious question, How did you get started?
B.B.: For me it has been an evolution in terms of exposure, confidence and circumstances. What I mean by that is your confidence comes from the way you lead but also how others perceive you. I get asked that question all the time by young people and my answer is always the same. "Just get in the game" get and stay involved in people centric environments. Whether your washing dishes, or working retail, you have to start somewhere, anywhere. You have to be in a team environment to see where you fit, how your perceived, and what your skills seem to be. From there, you will organically move in the right direction. Just get in the game, get in life, the rest will ultimately fall into place.
M.B.: what do you mean?
B.B.: Abraham Lincoln one said that all he could ever wish for is the esteem of his fellow man. The way you confirm your own validity in life is do in large part of how you observe how others perceive you. The respect and admiration of your peers helps determine and reaffirm your talents and place in the pecking order. That's what you build on. That's real.
M.B.: It's seems unbelievable that a man of your relatively young age has been involved in so many successful global enterprises. Even more so the range of businesses, I mean from MTV and Tapout to inventing new cardiac procedures and developing new electronic, Telephony and satellite navigation patents and technologies. You even created one of the most successful fashion accessory lines and the LeRun skatebike and Miracle Mint. Where do you get the time and the inspiration to do all of this?
B.B.: Never really thought about it. Sometimes things just come to you in a daydream or while your driving down the road. Often times simple circumstances create opportunities. Meeting and knowing the right people helps as well. To me, the key is just being able to hyper focus on an idea while remaining objective about the realities and complexities of making it successful. The rest is really about trying to stay relaxed and objective enough to measure twice and cut once before jumping into anything with both feet.
M.B.: What's next?
B.B.: Happiness I hope, isn't that the journey that really matters. You know all the cliches. Family, love, good friends, piece of mind, and of course, a sense of humor and a sense of humility and thankfulness.