World Class Receptions Designed By Office Furniture NYC Stores

Author: Emma Wing

The reception is the first pit stop that all guests visiting your office’s premises stop at. The way it is designed and set-up does make an impact on the visitors about the organization as a whole. It is always better to design this area of the office with a few features in mind such as the following.

Keep it clean

The reception area of an office even at the busiest of hours should come across as the most organized and systematic place. This can easily be achieved via the help of office furniture for receptions designed for this specific purpose. Clean geometric lines will always make the place look methodical. So use a unit that is not circular or abstract.

Ample lighting

The reception of a global headquarter has to look approachable instead of intimidating. Visitors, guests, prospective employees, and clients should all feel welcome. Lighting plays a crucial role to help materialize this. The use of natural lighting is advised to be used everywhere possible but especially in the reception area. If this is not possible then use lighting in warmer tones of yellow and light blue to create the illusion of natural light. Office furniture in NYC stores are designed by keeping this in mind.

Conceal behind the desk

Clutter causes chaos. Imagine a guest walking in and the receptionist’s desk is cluttered with registers, paperwork, stationery, electronic wires and other personal objects. Not a very great first impression. Usually office furniture for receptions are designed in a way so as to conceal all the things on the desk. There are many small accessories and design elements such as desk drawers, magnetic cable organizers, to name a few to help the reception desk stay tidy.

Not a docket area

More often than not receptions end up being the docket area of the office, where supplies, couriers, parcels, etc. are received and stocked. This makes the place appear shabby. The reception is primarily designed for the purpose of receiving guests and visitors and allowing them to wait while they can meet the necessary people. So instead of crowding it with parcels, office furniture for receptions should be set up to amplify seating arrangements for guests.

On the house network connections

Even though keeping the reception area well stocked with the latest editions of business magazines, journals and newspapers is important, most people like to read everything online these days. A courteous gesture is to allow guests to connect to the organization’s Wi-Fi and use it while they wait for the necessary personnel.