Ideal Providers of Lawngrass at Surrey and Guildford

Author: Harry Maclm

Turf is the top layer of soil with the plants that it supports. Turf usually referring to turfgrass/lawngrass, but turf can actually be a groundcover such as ivy or other plants such as chamomile, creeping thyme, or creeping yarrow.Lawn grass is specifically the collection of grass species grown to form a groundcover. Turfgrass adds appeal to nearly every landscape.Turf can create a visual floor or carpet for outdoor rooms, residential settings, and panoramic vistas. Additionally, lawn areas act as a transition between physical structures and their surrounding beds. Most turf is highly wear resistant in comparison to other plants, making it a good choice for heavily trafficked areas.

Proper selection of turfgrass is necessary if the grass is to achieve its desired use, whether it’s for a golf course, playing field, park, or suburban lawn. The grass on a playing field will have different stresses than a suburban lawn or a golf course putting green. Lawns with high traffic should use tougher strains of grass than areas which are used more for visual interest which call for a finer textured grass.Cool season turfgrass grows best in temperatures of 60–75 °F. They may become dormant if allowed to dry out during the summer. Warm-season turfgrass grows best in temperatures of 80–95°F.There are four main awngrass climatic zones:Cool humid—best suited to cool season grasses such as bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue or bentgrass. The soils are generally acidic and some irrigation may be needed to supplement the natural rainfall of the area. Generally do not perform well in most of Surrey and Guildford. Warm humid—best suited to warm season grasses such as Bermuda grass, zoysia, or St. Augustine grass. The soils are generally strongly acidic and may be infertile due to low organic content. Bermuda grass is the best performing lawngrass in most of Surrey. Cool arid/semi-arid—best suited to buffalo grass and wheat grasses. The soils are generally acidic and will usually not support other grasses unless there is adequate fertilization and irrigation. Warm arid/semi-arid—best suited to warm season grasses like gamma grasses. The soils are usually alkaline with low fertility. They will not support grass without irrigation. In order to establish turf, regardless of the means of installation, proper preparation of the planting site will reduce many problems. The following may need to be addressed: Drainage, aeration, soil compaction, pH, soil fertility, debris.

Proper drainage for lawngrass at Surrey and Guildford can be created by grading the site. Generally a 1-2% slope away from buildings is adequate. If the soil is clayey, soil amendment may be necessary to improve percolation of water. For very heavy clay soils, it may be necessary to install drainage tiles. During the grading process, debris such as rocks or wood should be removed. Seeding a lawn, where grass seed is used to establish the turf, is usually done in cool-season areas. Seeding should be done in early spring or late summer (in the cool-humid region), when the weather is at it’s optimum for good germination and growth. For More Information Visit: