Prostate Cancer: Knowing About It Can Save Your Life

Author: Gregory Echt

Prostate cancer strikes an estimated 220,000 American men each year. About 30,000 men die from it annually. Those numbers make it one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer found in men. An estimated 1 in 8 men, in fact, will face down this disease at some point in their lives. Often highly treatable if caught early, prostate cancer is not a possible eventuality to ignore. Those who undergo routine screening may find the process life-saving if cancer happens to be detected.

Like many forms of cancer, prostate cancer, often begins with no real noticeable symptoms. That can make finding the disease in its earliest phases incredibly troublesome. There are screening tests, however, that can shed light on the disease even in its asymptomatic forms. With that in mind, it’s often recommended that men begin talking about prostate health with their healthcare providers around the age of 40. At that time, personal risk factors, such as age, ethnicity and family history, can be discussed. Actual screening, depending on risks, may or may not begin at that time. They will, however, generally start in earnest around the age of 50 for men considered at lower risk.

Doctors have two main screening tools at their disposal. A routine exam will typically call for a simple blood test and a digital prostate exam to physically check prostate health. The blood test, known as the prostate-specific antigen, is also used to help detect the presence of substances associated with the disease. Screening recommendations have recently changed to push away from the blood test, but men can still request it and some doctors may still recommend it if concerns about prostate cancer are high.

While symptoms may not show up right away, the disease does present with these symptoms:

  • Frequent urination
  • Urgent urination
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Weak flow

As men age, prostate cancer becomes a greater possibility. Men can fight back by understanding the symptoms and by going in for routine exams. Early detection can and does quite often lead to life-saving treatments.

About AuthorDr. Echt and his team at the Prostate Seed Institute offer the most highly sophisticated methods of radiation therapy available in the United States, equal to that found in major medical center and academic settings. These include prostate seed implantation, high dose radiation implants, and external beam radiation with image-guided and intensity-modulated (IGRT and IMRT) capabilities.