Essential Factors You Should Consider While Buying an AC

Author: Sumit Dahiya

Global warming is real, and whether you agree or not, the temperatures are rising every year! Summers have gone from being pleasant to sauna-like and October is in close competition with May. Air conditioners are now our only saving grace, to keep us cool during the hot summers. Living in a tropical country can be difficult! Worse when you have to spend your day out in the heat! Coming home and sitting in an air conditioned room feels so relaxing! And the disappointment you would feel if the AC doesn’t function well? You certainly don’t need that! So what do you do? With so many options in the market and all those advertisements clouding your judgment abilities, how do you make the right choice?

Here’s what to look for when buying an AC!

Bigger need not be better!

A bigger AC really isn’t the solution to more heat! Measure the room correctly and then depending on the size of the room pick an Air conditioner that has the right capacity for the required space. A unit with more than the required capacity will cool the room too quickly and thus keep going on and off which can be damaging for the machine. On the flipside, a smaller unit will not be able to cool the room efficiently and might make you feel like it’s a cooler. Nothing cool about that!


Make a layout of the room and depending on its structure decide where the AC will be placed. Depending on the power supply and if it can be put through an opening in the wall or needs to be mounted on it, you can decide the kind of AC that best suits your needs. Also, make sure that it isn’t places at one corner as that would not cool the room efficiently and thus consume more power!


New ACs require to display an EER or energy efficiency rating on their product, which tells you about the product’s energy consumption. Make sure you compare the ratings with that of other products and then make an informed decision. It would be pointless to spend money on a brand new air conditioner and then spend some more every month paying that electricity bill!

Look for additional features!

Most air conditioners come with different modes and combination setting that can be used according to the weather or moisture content and other factors; look for such features. These make using the product easy and more efficient. You need not struggle to understand what combination works best for what. Buy smart!

Buy one in the winter!

We know when you don’t need one, but buying an AC during the off season can actually help you save some on it! During the summers when the heat is rising, so are the prices. That’s when the product is in demand and most stores will then offer exciting discounts on these raised prices, shop smart! Buy an air conditioner when there is little demand, you are more likely to get a good deal!