Know These Facts About Follicular Unit Extraction

Author: Kristy Morton

Meticulous procedures are used to increase hair growth by the implantation of the follicle. Each follicle is extracted, one at a time, in a tedious but exact method, then transplanted in the region of missing or inactive hair follicles. To learn more about follicular unit extraction, it takes a medical background and a creative mind that is excited about creating new hair growth in areas of the scalp that have succumbed to baldness. Each follicle is moved to a spot where they will take on new life. Using a sharp cylinder shaped punch tool, the incision is made to extract the follicular unit.

This technique has pluses and minuses, but generally the follicular unit extraction (FUE) does not require sutures and involves less pain after surgery. The FUE procedure is becoming more and more popular due to its post-operative comfort and convenience level for the patient. It will take multiple sessions, most of the time, to completely augment the hair for a patient with this FUE process. Follicular units are removed from the donor region of the scalp and then placed in the location where the bladness is occuring.

To make sure that a linear scar is not left in the donor region of the scalp, the doctor carefully and randomly distributes the follicular units in the safe donor region of the scalp. The end result may take multiple sessions to get the full desired result. The painstaking procedure, unfortunately, is not permanent as these follicular units are many times grafts of hair that are aged.

This hair will be lost due to the fact that both, the patient and the doctor, are trying to speed up the process by doing as many FUEs quickly and in fewer sessions which is considered to be the best hair replacement surgery. The safe donor region is the area of the scalp, usually on the lower sides of the head, where the follicular units are long term, permanent hairs. These are the ones that should be used for lasting results, however, many times in haste, the FUEs come from the higher areas of the head that are set to fall out in a few years or even less.

Knowing the hurdles that a good hair transplant doctor must address, it is a great idea to learn more about it in a consultation, about when it is appropriate to have hair restoration surgery. Women and men suffering from hair loss should be evaluated. Doctors can determine if the hair loss is rooted in metabolic conditions such as deficiency of potassium ions in the hair follicles. The hair loss could be due to lack of preparation. Yet, the best effort will be made after considering what path to take. The doctor is highly qualified and will know about follicular unit extraction.

If you are looking for a hair transplant in Connecticut, the author of this article recommends Dr. Carlos K. Wesley's Hair Clinic.