Suzan Johnson Cook, Clyde Williams, Charles Rangel - Great Names And Tough Voting

Author: Mike Gallagher

Elections for the Congress in the US will be one of the major events in the entire world, over which there will be stiff watch by many people, in the coming year of 2016. For the purpose of electioneering, the states are further divided into congressional district, whereby candidates will have to get into primary voting to be held in July 2016 and then the final elections will be held thereafter. One of the districts for election in the US, comprising of the parts of Manhattan and Bronx is having lots of activities related to the upcoming elections. This has been primarily because of the various names which have come up as Democrat representatives. With all these names coming up, it is up to the candidates to make a mark for themselves in the minds of people, so that they vote with a prudent mind and come up victorious from the 13th Congressional District, where Charles Rangel is currently the elected representative in the Congress.

  • Many candidates in the fray for elections 2016

Charles Rangel has already said in the public forum that he is not going to contest the upcoming elections and this announcement brought forth many names, Mike Gallagher being one of them, who is one candidate without any political background. But, Clyde Williams Clinton aide, Suzan Johnson Cook, Espaillat and other already have many years of experience in the field, due to which these candidates will be tough challengers for the upcoming primaries. Like Charles Rangel won after tough challenges from Adriano Espaillat, the same situation may again get repeated in 2016, where candidates like Williams, Cook, and many other political bigwigs are in the fray.

  • Necessary to get popular in the election district, a step being tried by many with some already popular

To be able to win in challenging situations is a great achievement, more so if someone is getting popular votes in the elections. But, the candidates from New York’s district 13, are all fired up with each one putting forth the claim for winning. This will be however decided by the people and the popularity of the leaders among their communities. It is natural to see that some of the leaders like Charles Rangel had a stronghold in the regions of Harlem, Washington Heights and few areas of Bronx, with support of both African Americans and Latinos for which he also could muster confidence in his run up to the elections. This factor will have a huge bearing in the final decisions.

  • Not new, but could have challenges presented

Although not new in the political field of New York State, Suzan Johnson Cook can be having a tough challenge because she has been in large posts, but political activities were not very common. Now that she has put in her papers for contesting the primaries in July 2016, it would be of interest for her to know her opponent, with the likes of Clyde Williams Clinton aide giving her a run for the money. In this way, each candidate will have strong credentials and backing and the elections will be very closely contested.