Diet Recipes And Other Tips For Better Health
When it comes to diet recipes, we all have an aversion towards the same, particularly when we have a few stubborn pounds to lose ahead of a special occasion or festival or even as a wake-up call. However, dieting is not just for those looking to lose weight rapidly; rather, this method is held dangerous and wasteful as crash diets only lead to temporary weight loss and can cause several eating and physiological disorders in their wake. Healthy dieting is a must as one ages and this keeps cholesterol levels low along with curbing fat intake and unnecessary weight gain. Along with dieting, the quality of the diet must be taken into account in order to keep dietary cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats successfully at bay. There are several tips that you must follow religiously in this context. Firstly, you should always focus on nutritional value of your diet instead of simply lowering calories hugely. You should always consume food from all major food groups each day including proteins, whole grains, dairy, vegetables and fruits in the right proportions.
You need not always look upon diet foods as boring; rather, you can always take a particular regular dish and make it healthier for your body with specific ingredients like oats or even ragi in case of soups or dosas for example. Controlling portions is essential while dieting and you should look to consume between 1200-1500 calories and no more every day. You should try to have three filling meals between 300-400 calories each and have 100 calorie snacks two to three times a day. Always have a cheat day when you can indulge in something that you are tempted by to reduce cravings and keep your metabolism ticking. Always avoid sugary foods, processed food, fatty and oily snacks and meals in addition to other junk foods. You should always incorporate some activity into your daily routine instead of relying on your diet alone.
Always refrain from foods containing free fatty acid and instead choose healthier options like Upma, salads, soups, fruits, baked vegetables, beans, sprouts, kidney beans, brown rice and the like. Always go for lean meat and stay away from other fatty elements. You can work with healthy table margarines like Nutralite instead; not only does this contain lower cholesterol volumes, it also contains cholesterol fighting PUFA and MUFA. Nutralite is also free from hydrogenated fats, thereby working as a better alternative if you are on a healthy diet.
Shivani Shetty is a leading dietary and nutrition expert. She offers advice on healthy eating, diet recipes and more.