Laura Deleruyelle: An Advanced Practice Nurse in the Public Health System

Author: John Smith

The health care system in the United States is filled with policies, regulations, and laws. In many cases, people who are actually sick and need health care get lost in that maze of red tape and paperwork. The current health care system is overburdened and lacking funds, which is one of the many reasons advanced practice nurses are more important than ever. Advanced practice nurses provide high quality care that is cost-effective as well. They are often a patient’s solace. The person who attends their body, mind and spirit, and oftentimes during a bad point in their life. Nurses who hold advanced degrees at the Master's level or Doctorate level, such as Laura Deleruyelle, are the bridge between the health care system and the patients.

Many hospitals are understaffed and have tight budgets. Providing quality care for the sick and injured is a daunting task, especially during the current health climate. Poor dietary and health choices have led to an increase in obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, and other complex illnesses. Hospitals and care centers are burdened with an increase of patients and a strained budget. The staff nurses, registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) are the ones who see those budgetary strains every day. They are the ones who have to work 12 hours straight without any breaks in order to make up for an understaffed hospital, and they are the ones who have to figure out how to provide good care for patients within the policies and regulations that have been set.

For this reason, RNs and LPNs are a vital part of the public health care system and their job is becoming higher in demand. Nurses who have a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or Master's degree can specialize as a hospitalist or manage the nursing staff of a hospital. They are educated on policies and procedures and how they affect the day to day function of a hospital so that they can function in a managerial position or higher executive position. They can take up this leadership role in order to help find a way to treat hospital patients within the parameters set by the budget and policies. Nurses’ hands on experience in the medical field make them vital resources when it comes to addressing health care policies.

Nurses are the faces of health care. When people have questions about preventing illness and making healthy lifestyle choices, nurses are on the front line. They are able to educate a large quantity of people on how to stay healthy and how to avoid complex illness such diabetes and heart disease. In addition to educating patients, advanced practice nurses are trained to diagnose and treat patients based on a mind, body and spirit philosophy. Nurses are trained to help people find a way to prevent obesity, or to get down to a healthy weight, which will save those people from heart disease and many other complications or disease states. Laura Deleruyelle knows that nurses at all different educational levels are on the front lines. They are an essential cog in the mechanics of the health care system.