6 Fun Winter Entertaining Ideas by Trista Jan

Author: Amitava Sarkar

The holidays are over but now you're facing weeks of winter with nothing exciting on the horizon. Most people don't even think about entertaining until sometime around Easter. On the one hand, this is certainly understandable as it's easy to get burned out after the seemingly endless entertain that starts somewhere around Halloween and doesn't end until after New Year's. But on the other hand, as the snow piles up and cabin fever sets in, the long days with limited amounts of daylight start to take their toll. What better way to beat the winter blues than by hosting a party? Instead of sitting around wishing spring would hurry up and get here already, take advantage of the lull in everyone's schedules to have cozy gatherings with the friends and family members you didn't get to spend time with during the holiday rush. Entertaining is the perfect way to beat cabin fever and to make the dog days of post-holiday winter a little more bearable and a lot more fun. So instead of spending quality time with the couch, check out these fun winter entertaining ideas and spend some quality time having fun with friends.

  • Soup swap. Have each guest bring their favorite hot soup or chili to share. Provide a buffet with a variety of toppings along with cheeses, crackers and crusty bread. Mason jars with tightly sealing lids make an ideal way for guests to take home leftovers of their favorites. Consider making the event a recipe swap, with guests bringing along copies of their soup or chili recipe.
  • Indoor beach party. This family-friendly fete is easy and fun to pull off. Have everyone wear Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts (or Hawaiian print maxi dresses) along with hats, sunglasses and flip flops. Hand out leis at the door. Serve typical summer fair like hot dogs and hamburgers along with fruit kebabs and popsicles, and have guests chill out on beach towels. Create a music play list of summer faves and you're set.
  • White winter cocktail party. Winter whites mixed with metallics create a crisp, sophisticated vibe. Give your party an elegant touch with white candles, tablecloths and runners. Stainless steel barware is a hot trend this season and you can find some great products from retailers such as
Zack USA. Serve white winter themed foods such as cauliflower soup, crostini with sauteed white beans and grilled white asparagus salad along with spiked white hot chocolate and white martinis. The dress code? All white, of course.

  • Snow day lunch. The key to a snow day lunch is hot food, bright colors and plenty of soft pillows and throws. Serve hot slow cooker dishes such as pasta, stew or soup so you can relax and mingle without worrying about cooking and decorate the table with vibrant colors as an escape from winter gray. If you have a thick soft carpet or rug, sit on the floor at a low table with plenty of pillows for a cozy picnic vibe.
  • Winter picnic. Weather permitting, go ahead and take the party outside. Provide plenty of warm beverages such as hot chocolate or mulled wine in either thermoses or slow cookers. Hot hearty fare such as spicy curries, chili or stew is perfect for a cold weather picnic. When guests aren't eating, make sure everyone stays warm with activities such as flag football, capture the flag or Frisbee.

No matter what type of party suits your fancy, don't let winter go by without entertaining!

About the Author: Trista Jan is a home entertainment diva and contributing writer who enjoys helping people create great get together to suit any season.