Exploring Responsive Email Design

Author: Email Marketing

Email Marketing is an inevitable marketing tool for all the brands dealing especially with customers online. They need to keep sending various kinds of mails to their customers and they are always many in numbers so the email marketing is also known as bulk email marketing since the emails are send in bulk. But a slight customization in the emails sent can make the conversion rate better achieving the targets easily.

Let’s discuss the changes you can make in your emails like making the email responsive. This ultimately helps the brand to increases conversion rate. There are many types of Responsive Designs-

  1. Responsive Email Design:

    Responsive Email Design means the whole email is responsive and can adapt to mobile screen. It changes according to the size of the user screen. It can adapt as per laptop, tablet or mobile screen.

  2. Responsive Aware Design:

    Responsive Aware Design means the header and footer of the email is responsive and the body of the email remains mobile aware done on the basis of single column design.

  3. Mobile Aware Design:

    Mobile Aware Design are single column designs with large texts and images. The email body also contains large links and buttons too.

  4. Partly Mobile Aware Design:

    Partly Mobile Aware Design means the designs are partly adapted to mobile and partly to desktop. The significant portions of the email are made mobile centric while header and footer of the email are made desktop centric.

  5. Desktop Centric Design:

    Desktop Centric Design is the one being made perennially. The complete email is desktop centric. The design contains multiple and small columns as well as tightly clustered buttons and links which are the major features.

Benefits of Responsive Design

  • More open rates since the smart phones are also used in large numbers.
  • Ultimately more conversion rates and better ROI.
  • Also helps in better customer engagement.
  • Less subscription rate.

Contacting the reputed Email Marketing Companies can help brands improve the conversion rate. Making the email responsive is utmost important for the brands dealing with online customers. Exploring the Responsive Email Design will certainly help the brands to achieve their targets.