The 5 Coolest New Tools in Aqua Illumination

Author: Aqua Illumination

It's really hard to fathom just how far aquarium lighting has come over the years. But just like the explosion in the home interior lighting industry, aqua illumination has become even more complex and effective. That's all due to the innovation and technological advancement of aqua illumination manufacturers.

Here are five of the aqua illumination tools that are among the "coolest" on the market.

"Beyond visible" spectral output. It's often been assumed that the apex of aqua illumination spectral output is the visible light spectrum. But technology has advanced to the point where tank lighting can produce illumination which actually exceeds the barrier of visible light. Imagine the positive impact this could have on the health of your fish and other livestock.

Varying atmospheric phases. If you want your fish to be healthy, you should try to replicate the conditions found in nature as closely as you can. Now, there are aqua illumination systems that can simulate cloud cover, rainy days, thunderstorms, and even the phases of the moon. Mother Nature doesn't have anything on these systems!

Wireless control. These days, you can control your home lighting, alarm, and air conditioning or heating systems wirelessly. So why not extend this feature to your aquarium? Modern aqua illumination systems can be controlled and adjusted practically anywhere, any time, without owners being "tethered to their tanks."

Cloud-based operating system. When it comes to wireless control, there's a better way than carrying around a dedicated device and/or storing software on its limited hard drive space. Downloading and storing cloud-based software helps aquarium owners utilize the same technological standards for their aqua illumination as they do their smartphone apps.

Usability. At the end of the day, an aqua illumination system is only as effective as the person operating the system. With modern, user-friendly interfaces, the times when you had to be a lighting expert or techno geek to set your aquarium lighting properly are gone forever.

All of these cool tools are present in the new Hydra Fiftytwo system from Aqua Illumination. Its spectral output exceeds the visible light spectrum, and it can simulate the widest variety of weather conditions and lunar phases. Also, users can operate the Hydra Fiftytwo anywhere using cloud-based wireless software, with a controller that represents the best "set-it-and-forget-it" solution in the marketplace.

But the AI Hydra Fiftytwo offers so much more -- like a total of 52 individual LED lights in seven different colors arranged in four different clusters for superior lighting power. The Hydra Fiftytwo boasts high-quality, 80-degree optic lenses for the ideal balance of spread and power, with diffuse exit surfaces and optical efficiencies of greater than 90% on all lenses. And the entire product is energy-efficient, with a maximum output of 135 watts from the wall. Most importantly, it's all made in the USA by the most trusted name in reliable LED reef lighting.

So if you want to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in tank illumination, you need to check out the Aqua Illimuniation Hydra Fiftytwo today.

richard gilliland is the author of this article on aqua illumination.