It’s Your Right to Hire a Lawyer

Author: Sonia Park

You were driving home from work on the very same road you’ve driven on every single day for the last ten years, when out of nowhere, it happens. All you remember is a flash of bright lights and then darkness. When you wake up in the hospital, you hear that the girl who hit you was texting her mother to let her know she was on her way. Now you’re in the worst pain of your life and are being told you will have permanent damage to your legs and back.

Even with your full-time job, you don’t have very good health insurance, so you’re looking at thousands of dollars in medical bills piling up. This is a sadly all too familiar situation, as it happens every day all over America. Distracted driving causes more automobile accidents than just about anything else. The thing is, if your next move is a wise one, you’ll start looking for an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer. The alternative is to attempt to take on a second or even third job, with what is now a disability, to pay off debt you didn’t cause. The answer is clear.

When looking for a St. Louis car accident lawyer, there are some things to keep in mind. The best attorneys want you to get well first. Well, they want you to get out of the hospital and begin the healing process. Soon after that, they want to hear from you. The best auto accident attorneys charge contingent fees, which mean the only way they get paid is if you get compensated, and they base their percentage on the amount of work put forth on your case.

While losing between 15 and 33 percent of the money you’re owed might seem like a bit of a shock to the system, consider what it would be like for you, in your current state, to try to fight for what you’re owed on your own. First of all, you’d have no idea where to begin. Secondly, there’s a ton of paperwork involved in the process. Believe me; that percentage will seem like chump change when you realize how much work your St. Louis car accident (,-or-personal-injury,-or-death) lawyer is actually taking on by representing you. They not only fight for you to receive at least a settlement of some sort to help you pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and lost property, but they also fight to ensure you actually get the money you are promised.

If you’ve been in an automobile accident, due to someone else’s negligence, it is worth your time and energy to sit down with an experienced car accident attorney ( It’s not only your right to have your medical expenses covered by the person who caused the accident it’s your responsibility to fight for that right. If you just let it slide, what’s keeping that same person from learning a lesson and having the same thing happen to someone else down the road? Start looking for a St. Louis car accident lawyer today.

If you are looking for personal injury attorney in St. Louis, then the author of this article recommends Smith Law Firm.