Pathways – Best School in Gurgaon

Author: Pathways 09

Schools are an essential part of the growth of a child. During his early years, a child learns as much from his interaction in a school as he learns from his mother and father at home. Thus, it becomes extremely important to enroll the child in a school, which imparts wholesome education.

Pathways is not only regarded as one of the good schools in Gurgaon and Noida, it has been able to impress parents across the country. Pathways has an international approach teaching style. While, Indian in atmosphere and sensibilities, Pathways follows a curriculum that helps kids understand concepts through practical application. Here, project work is encouraged, which serves the dual purpose of building teamwork and understanding the application of a concept. Pathways looks at creating individuals who are ready for the world and are not only champions of bookish knowledge.

At Pathways, sports and extra-curricular activities are given equal importance as studies and the school focuses on a program that ensures all round development of a child. A teacher is the most essential element when it comes to imparting knowledge and Pathways has ensured that it provides the best faculties in all subjects. And, at the same time the curriculum here is developed by the best in the field of education in India and abroad.

This training that leads to the overall development of a child starts very young and that is why parents scramble to find the best nursery and primary schools for kids. The stories of tedious nursery admissions in Delhi are not new. Parents are tested as much as kids, when it comes to the top schools in the city. After all a good start is half the battle won and if the formative years in a child’s education are strong then the journey later becomes easy.

Pathways has three centres across North India, where it imparts education. It has day schools in Noida and Gurgaon and a residential school on Sohna Road. Both boarding and day boarding options have their share of advantages. While, studying in a boarding environment, a student stays away from his/her family and spends all his/her time in the school premises. This helps in making the child independent and gives him/her more opportunities to utilize the facilities provided by the school.

Though, there are others who may argue that a child needs to spend time with family as well. Apart, from the learning that a school provides, it is also essential for a child to learn from his/her parents too.

A parent needs to note here that children progress and flourish in both environments. It depends on them what suits their requirements better. Pathways has renowned faculties and counselors who can help parents and families reach a decision of what is best for their child.

While, there may be various good schools in India, but there aren’t many that structure their education plan keeping the future and international trends in mind. Pathways leads the path in systematic and futuristic education with an international flavor.....