Have You Heard of Modest Swimwear?

Author: East Essence

Whenever you hear the term beach-wear, a two-piece, sarong and some wild waves with surfers conjures up, isn’t? Well that’s a rosy picture being immortalized thanks to celluloid but there’s more to the term in the present context. Off late, women particularly have started raising concerns over the ‘itsy-bitsy’ in the wake of rising polemics of body shaming, fat –shaming and rabid sexual objectification of women. There are also other quarters where in, demand for a modest swim-wear had been the call for ages by ladies who wanted to enjoy the sun and sand and yet maintain the sanctity of their practiced faith. Well, a lot has been done in this regard and designers have come up with unique combination of swim-wear which are both modest and yet give the full flexibility for water fun.

The need to realize something in the form of a swim-wear which borderlines fun and faith had the makers come up with fabric which could easily absorb water, take to the skin by being light weight to provide easy water –movements in case of any water-activity or sports, had them envision Lycra based swimming –suit. This call had been very well received, especially by women who observe hijab to embrace Islamic modest swimwear. Come to think of it, there are many variations available of this modest beach-wear. It ranges from a full blown skirt with an attached hood to the top, to long tunic top which does not float up, when in water. The trousers are also tweaked enough to have bands at the cuff ends to tighten the grip and prevent the water flow from accumulating inside. Similarly, these modest swimwear also come in iridescent colors with some featuring patch works while others having an interesting interplay of zippers on the top jacket.

Similarly, there are also others which offer protection against chlorine content in the pool and also double by providing immunity from the harmful UV rays of the sun. You could also opt for a one piece head to toe jumpsuit swimwear which borders to the likening of a scuba-wear.i.e. of course without the flaps. So it’s safe to say that women practicing hijab or lovers of modest –wear can have as much fun like their other counter-parts. So let your hair down and soak in some beach –breeze in the not so itsy-bitsy modest-wear. Shall we?

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