Best Prepaid Plans In India

Author: Sunil Sonwana

India lies second in the list of most populated countries in the world, just after China. India’s population has crossed over a billion this year. Besides, due to the recent drop in the prices of smartphones and feature-phones, nowadays almost every Indian has at least one phone, if not more. Needless to say, there is immense opportunity for telecom operators in this country.

India is also a country of youth i.e. a huge percentage of the Indian population is below 30 years. In fact, according to an UN report, India has the largest youth population in the world. This fact is of crucial significance, since telecom operators try to build plans which they think would be the most attractive and beneficial for the youths of India.

You must have noticed that mobile prepaid plans are advertised much more than post-paid ones. Ever wondered why? This is because the youths of India prefer prepaid plans over post-paid plans. Recently, a Nielsen survey was conducted, whose results were rather surprising. Over 95% of the young Indian population prefer prepaid plans.

There are actually several reasons behind this. Some of these include –

It is extremely easy to get hold of a new SIM card in India. You just need to submit your documents, and your number is activated within a couple of days. Besides, you do not have to worry about the hassles of monthly or annual contracts.

Sunil Sonwana has an avid interest in the telecom industry of this country. He has written several reviews about the best prepaid plans one can avail in India.

Indian lifestyle is not monotonous, it is dynamic especially when one is less than 30 years old. You are often switching from one state to another state because of jobs; your schedules are constantly changing, hence it is necessary to adapt to the changing lifestyle quickly. In such scenarios, a prepaid sim card is the ideal choice, since it offers you complete control as well as the necessary flexibility.

BillBachao is a prepaid online recharge website. They support all the major telecom operators in India, hence anyone can easily complete their prepaid recharge from their website. They can pay via debit or credit card.

You can also receive various discounts and coupons for free which can be used in other stores, if you are a regular customer of this website. Unlike other websites, they suggest you only those plans which will benefit you the most, which shows how much they care about their customers.