Peach Bellini Cocktail Mixes: Best Peach Bellini Recipe!

Author: Digital Publishing Trends

Without any doubt, if you have not tasted the Peach Bellini yet, you can be considered yourself as the unluckiest person alive on Earth. The reason why I am saying this to you is because the deliciousness and awesomeness of this drink are so high that nobody can resist it. The credit of fabricating this drink goes to a Venetian painter named Giovanni Bellini. The drink was made in a Venetian bar only. The conventional recipe of making Peach Bellini includes mainly two ingredients which are white peach puree’ as well as Prosecco (it’s a dry, red colored sparkling Italian wine). There was a time, when white peach puree’ was not available round the year, that’s why people were bound to wait for the summers, so as to drink their favorite cocktail drink.

But after the ubiquity of the freezers, white peach puree’ had become available in the frozen form and thus the drink turned out a year round fav. With the augmenting popularity of the drink, a great deal of bartenders from around the globe have done numerous experiments with the cocktail and added various fruit juices in the drink to make it more delicious and refreshing. They even replaced Prosecco with Champagne, and further added lime juice in the cocktail.

What’s better way to cater your guests than serving them with Peach Bellini. You can even facilitate your guests to make their own Bellini. Well, it’s pretty handy if you would make the peach puree’ in advance, because making peach puree’ at the eleventh hour would not be a great idea. As discussed earlier in the article, numerous bartenders have carried out different experiments with the drink and came out with some really cool cocktail drinks. You too can carry out experiments with the drink and add strawberry and/or raspberry juice in the drink.

Talking about today, you can find Peach Bellini Cocktail Mixes over the web easily, this drink mix contains a fine quality of white peach puree’ and you just require to pair it with Prosecco and there you go! If you do not have Prosecco, you can pair it with Champagne and enjoy!

A simple recipe of Peach Bellini is mentioned below:

2 ounces of Peach Bellini cocktail mix

1.5 ounces of Champagne

1.5 ounces of strawberry juice

A slice of peach

Shakes all the ingredients in a shaker and garnish the drink with a slice of peach. Cheers!