The Many Uses Of Microgrid Energy Storage System in Korea

Author: Park Ranju

In the near future microgrids are going to play a pivotal role in resolving the energy challenge being faced by the world. Microgrids are essentially autonomous grids which operate either along with or isolated from existing power grids. They contain the ability to flexibly and efficiently meet the growing energy requirement of the planet, with or without a grid connection. A microgrid energy storage system in Korea enables fast installation of supply of electricity without the need of expensive transmission infrastructure not to mention the lengthy development approval and construction process. This is especially a boon for the remote communities particularly in developing countries which do not have the benefits of a grid connection. This is the reason that almost every microgrid energy storage system manufacturer in Korea is doing brisk business.

Efficient, economical, and environment friendly

There are of course some challenges when it comes to microgrid systems like voltage, power quality and frequency along with power supply in times of unfavorable weather. However, nowadays some or the other Microgrid energy storage system manufacturer Korea can be found which is creating microgrids which can easily overcome these challenges. This is because they have enormous potential for shifting and smoothing renewable energy sources on microgrids as well as improving efficiency of diesel generators in hybrid power systems.

The best part is that these energy storage systems are reliable, safe and environment friendly. They are particularly useful in smoothening for the volatile renewable power output on grid and remote microgrid which ensures the availability of predictable power. When the wind or solar signals drop the cells of the microgrid batteries release energy and when the renewing signal is strong they store the extra energy. This process takes place within seconds and this in turn increases the reliability of renewable sources. Some of the more advanced microgrid energy storage systems are also capable of covering periods of loss of wind or solar energy by shifting energy, which means that they store energy for later use by shifting its availability in time.

Improvement of diesel generator efficiency

Some of the advanced microgrid energy storage systems also improve the efficiency of diesel generators and they do this by absorbing sudden changes in load. This allows the diesel generators to function at a steady and optimal frequency. Although a lot of electricity generation on microgrids relies heavily on diesel generators, these energy storage systems can also be used to store energy generated by solar power, wind power etc. Microgrids can maintain a steady output of a diesel generator in efficient bands with buffering of the output. This reduces the problems created by sudden changes in load to meet demand, which in turn improves the efficiency of the diesel generator.

Hence we can say that these microgrid energy storage systems provide frequency stability and respond to demand highs when at the same time they can also defer transmission and infrastructure investments. Both the on grid and off grid types of microgrids enable an efficient, economical and environmentally sound energy management practice. This provides an immense benefit to communities both in rural as well as remote environments.