Wear the light weight bright shiny 18k Gold Necklace

Author: Adrina Sen

Gold! It is always an enticing material for people since from ancient times. Irrespective of culture, creed, generation, fashion, and people belonging to all countries gold is one material that attracts everybody in this globe. Necklace is one of the oldest ornaments found on earth used by most of the ancient civilizations. Various materials are used to produce beautiful and attractive necklaces. In ancient times, the necklaces are made out of delicate materials like beads produced by baked mud, wood, sea shells, and other similar materials. Colourful stones are used in the preparation. They are cut, given suitable shape and they are tied in an appropriate manner so that the string made out of beads are arranged in a decorative manner so that it can make the person appear beautiful and distinct from other persons.

However, there are some of the features which are quite common in the manufacturing of necklaces. They are very common from centuries. The word necklace itself indicates that they are manufactured only for women and men are known to wear neck chains rather than necklaces. It is an indication of social status. The bigger and well-crafted necklaces are used to indicate the status. Gemstones, wooden beads, terracotta beads, sea shells, fresh water pearls, natural pearls are used in the preparation of the necklaces in ancient period. Most often in ancient time ivory is also used in the preparation of necklace, bangles, and other decorative ornaments. The ancient method necklace preparation is improvised by the invention of strings, twines and other materials, which are used to bind the materials so that they can be used for a longer period. The intricate metallic necklaces are used by humans only from the beginning of the Bronze Age, where humans learnt how to produce metals from refining minerals. The earlier metals include gold, silver, copper, zinc, bronze, and brass. Gold necklace 18k are prepared to give them extra durability and beauty.

Necklaces are nearly 40 to 50 thousand years old. Earlier Civilizations in Greek, Rome, India and China are known for the intricate craftsmanship and finest quality of necklaces found on earth. The craftsmanship is a well guarded secret and the knowledge is transferred by the family elders to younger generation. 18k Gold necklace are given different names depending upon their length. The length starts with the choker that sits tight around the neck and the length goes on increasing. Prince’s necklace, matinee necklace, opera necklace, rope necklace, Lariat necklace are some of the varieties and they have different lengths.

They are also named depending upon the types of gemstones used in the necklace. Pearl necklaces are made out of different sized pearls. Emerald necklaces are made out using different size emerald stones. The plain gold necklaces are produced used different designs and combinations with or without enamel finish. Since, necklaces are used on special occasions, significant attention is paid while selecting them. They are made available for people having different budget. From cheapest to highest priced necklaces are available under every category as mentioned above.

Author Bio :

The author of the article has an extensive experience in the field of 18k Gold Necklace and Gold necklace 18k