Language exchange - an underestimated method to become fluent in a foreign language

Author: Anthony Taylor

Are you enamored of learning languages other than your local language and fancy to become eloquent in it? Well, the good news is it’s not a rocket science anymore. With this prevailing world’s innovative approaches and strategies, you can be the one who discourses the foreign language better than the native language. It’s all about becoming the early bird which catches the worm.

When two or more than two people are speaking distinct languages in order to study each other’s language then this method is cited as Language Exchange.

As an illustration, a German fellow who is learning English will perform language exchange with the English fellow who is learning the German language on account of acquiring fluency in each other’s particular languages. There are miscellaneous techniques to dry run the language exchange.

Why Language Exchange For Foreign Language Fluency?

To become fluent in the foreign language is essential to sustain in that particular country. We’ve witnessed diverse reasons of utilizing the phenomena of language exchange. It is used to increase the fluency level in a foreign language for achieving benefits. I’ve discussed few below:

  • Right Practice
  • Quick Learning Method
  • Be Valuable At Work
  • Foreign Employment
Right Practice

On account of gaining the fluency, you must do the speaking practice of the language. I believe productive method for this is to involve you in the language exchange. Face to face conversation will give you the better idea and sound exposure that can be a can of worms to learn in the classroom.

Quick and Free Learning Method

As you’re learning from a person who's been speaking the particular language from his (or her) childhood, therefore, you can freely and rapidly learn necessary as well as slang words and phrases in addition to the language. More importantly, don’t disregard that you’re preserving almighty dollars as well.

Be Valuable at Work

Nowadays organizations are carrying out their businesses with the foreign clients and most often require an employee that is good at adopting the foreign languages. If you’ve already done a language exchange of different foreign languages then clearly you’ll get more out of this.

As fluent foreign language speaker can be obtained through a peculiar language exchange and nothing else and additionally will give you an advantage over other employees.

Foreign Employment

Probably if you get a chance of getting an employment in a foreign country that doesn’t have your native language as their national language then all you can do is to modestly learn their language for the sake of availing the opportunity.

This can be accomplished quickly through language exchange from any of their countrymen. Although foreign organizations prefer the English language because it becomes a standard conversational language globally but the fact is you’ll not stay all the day at the office.

Let’s say if you’ve moved to any French state for the job then apart from the office, you definitely require interacting with the markets for the sake of purchasing and with the people who will be most likely your neighbors.

Initial Prerequisites for the Language Exchange

Although language exchange appears like a funny and easy on the eyes but trust me yet it demands quit a lot. For commencing the language exchange, you’re bound to deal with few crucial things that could make your language exchange more productive:

  • Finding Partner
  • Manage Your Partner
  • Manage Yourself
  • Choose a Channel
Find Partner

First off, you’re obliged to select the language you desire to learn and search for the partner who discourses in the same language. Partners who are compliant to do language exchange can be attained from your university, colony or any other place. To make your job a lot easier simply go to Speaky, the global social media platform for language exchange.

Manage Your Partner

After the first meeting with your language partner, tell him (or her) about your limitations of language exchange without any fear. Make sure you set not more than one hour for the cause otherwise it’ll be upsetting for you.

Start with your native language and use some phrases or words of the language which you’re learning afterwards. To let you speak for some time without correcting is what your language partner requires to do.

Manage Yourself

Don’t be flustered for your silly mistakes because these are bits of your learning. Attempt to use the same language which you use for the first time with your partner from the get-go. This prompts your formal connection into a strong relationship.

Choose a Channel

Well, it’s onto you to pick the convenient channel for the language exchange. One can use audio calls or video calls right from the browser or can arrange a meeting face-to-face.


Our minds never get weary of clasping the new things. As far as language exchange is regarded, people have discovered an innovative way to learn and understand new languages. What else one craves more if more than single person are learning their desired language concurrently.

This language exchange process is considerably easy to utilize but can be disastrous if not practice without taking care of the rules and regulations such as maintaining yourself as well as your language partner, picking the convenient mean to exercise the language exchange.

Learning a foreign language will unquestionably give you some appended advantages as far as persevering in the foreign country is concerned. One can become more worthy in his (or her) office either in the state or outside the state. It’s a free and a rapid technique of learning the foreign language.