Get assistance with a letter of confirmation of a valid South African drivers licencec

Author: Ricky Mario

For any individual, legal documents are very important because of their general use. Legal documents serve as official papers which can be used by individuals for whatever legal means necessary for them. Some of the personal legal documents include: passports, unabridged birth certificates, drivers licenses, Unabridged Marriage Certificate South Africa, academic documents and more. Obtaining legal documents can be a daunting task and many people seek the assistance when they feel overwhelmed by paperwork. The individuals who try to do everything themselves can find it intimidating especially when living overseas. Depending on your legal needs, it might make sense to employ the help of a professional document procurement company.

If you are a South African and need assistance with getting documents from South Africa, then you should go for document procurement service to obtain the documents you need. There is a leading document procurement service, Doc Assist, which can assist you in obtaining the legal documents, whether you are in South Africa or currently live overseas. They offer a wide range of services to obtaining Police Clearances Certificates, Abridged and Unabridged Birth and marriage certificates, Vault Copies, re-issue of educational qualifications, attestations, authentications and more. They also assist you with the Apostille, Notarisation and Embassy verification of your documents.

They assist you with the processing of Police Clearance Certificate South Africa. They apply for your Police clearance through the SAPS in Pretoria and then have it apostilled, authenticated and embassy verified if required. This certificate is available for people who need confirmation of their criminal status for emigration purposes or for working abroad for an extended period of time. This certificate states whether any criminal offences are recorded against you.

They also help you in obtaining a Letter of confirmation of a valid drivers licence. If your documents originate in South Africa and you have to use them in another country, they might need to be legalised or authenticated. In this process, various seals are placed on the document by Foreign Affairs or the High Court so that documents can be recognised as legal documents in other countries.

Therefore especially is you are overseas and require assistance with procuring documents from South Africa, browse through the internet to find the best document procurement service and get all your document related requirements fulfilled.