Answering the Call for High Quality Care

Author: Joannie Canchola

An ageing population increases the pressure on health care services. To be able to provide excellent health care services, there is a need to optimize how resources are put to use. The elderly want to be able to live independently, whereas the care personnel should be able to focus on care work and not on routine jobs. Vivago knows the challenges the health care sector is facing and offers reliable and flexible solutions. Our solutions cover the whole care chain from home care to hospital environments, enable the flow of information inside the care chain, and better the chances of a successful hospital discharge and rehabilitation.

Vivago offers elderly individuals the chance to safely live at home for longer. Vivago protects and takes care of the client’s well-being, even when the client cannot on his or her own, for instance because of lack of consciousness or a memory impairment. With Vivago those responsible for the well-being of the elderly individual can easily follow his or her daily activities, movement, and daily rhythms. All the data is collected and combined to provide useful information that supports care and that helps to follow the client’s functional ability or assess the level of care needed.

Vivago’sHome Solution

Vivago’s home solution is based upon the Vivago CARE watch and the Vivago Home POINT base station with voice communication. The CARE watch functions as a normal call button but is also capable of automatically calling for help should it notice a worrying change in its wearer’s state of health. The wearer then automatically gets a voice connection with the nursing staff via the Home POINT base station. The Home POINT solution also is an excellent choice for couples. For increased safety and its safety alarm, it is further possible to add other sensors such as fire detectors to the system.