How to Strike the Right Balance between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

Author: Stefan Thompson

As a startup company one may definitely find it feasible to implement digital marketing which costs less than the traditional marketing. So does it mean that traditional marketing is outdated? Let’s check it out.

Differences between Inbound and Outbound

Inbound marketing is the persuading of clients to buy our products and services through the creation of great content and offering of incentives. It is related to SEO, social media and content marketing. It also involves the selling of products and services online, through various means like email, social media leads Google AdWords and Search Engine Optimized traffic.

Outboard marketing is when you start out with a prior knowledge of your customer base and try to educate them about your product. This involves direct mail, telephone call and physical one to one interaction with clients.

Is Outbound marketing relevant.

Outbound marketing is definitely relevant, especially because it is the outside events like trade shows, conferences, exhibitions, and other business related events which bring people together. Meeting people and having a one and one conversation adds a personal touch. Giving them a live physical demo or an interactive power point presentation about your product is much more effective than emailing them a link, and asking them to visit it to watch the video.

Can both Co-Exist?

They can definitely co exist. It is digital marketing which has made the world a smaller place. All the events and tradeshows in the world are effectively marketed by digital means. People come to know about these events through digital means much faster. Using the traditional methods of mailing them or advertising in the newspapers is costly and is a comparatively slower process.

Thus these offline events offer a golden opportunity for marketers to checkout potential customers and also cement their good relationship with the existing ones. Thus we can see that while outbound marketing is not dead, inbound marketing can help in achieving the objectives of outbound marketers.

How Inbound Marketing helps

Inbound marketing helps educate the customer about your product. Even if you are not physically present to listen to him, your client can access any information about your product on your website, YouTube Video or SlideShare presentation. In fact, you can even position yourself as an expert in your particular field by posting relevant and updated content on your dynamic website or blog. Thus, people perceive you as a guru in your respective field and come to you. This can result in the generation of more business leads.

Is Getting Leads as easy as Content Creation?

Getting new clients is not just about creating great content and expecting the conversions to happen. Many factors contribute towards achieving the same, like the quality of your product, the pricing and your competitors. Lastly, it is your buyer who finally decides to buy or not to buy from you. Thus your ability to balance both inbound and outbound marketing will ultimately help you in the generation of more leads.

Getting your low cost website designed by web design and development services is just the first step towards taking your business onto a global stage. Marketing it effectively makes the difference. For more information about website design and online marketing visit us.