An Introduction to Mattress Overlays

Author: Bluechip Medical

Medical mattress overlays are simply a collection of products that share a common goal: to increase comfort, improve circulation and decrease the risk of pressure sores (bed sores). Specifically to relieve or reduce the pressure that body weight causes on your skin as it pushes against the surface of the bed. Medical mattress overlays are designed to go ON TOP of an existing mattress.

Being confined to a bed for any amount of time exposes a person to the risk of developing pressure sores that can develop when a body part applies constant and prolonged pressure against the surface it’s resting on. This constant pressure restricts blood flow to the area resulting. Prolonged restriction can results in necrosis, (the injury or death of the skin tissue), ultimately leading to the pressure sores. By redistributing this pressure mattress overlays can prevent bed sores from occurring.

Generally speaking, medical mattress overlays, whether static or dynamic, are offered in a variety of therapies, foam, gel, water or air.

Static options include; convoluted "egg-crate" mattress overlays and memory foam overlays that can be mildly effective but not particularly effective for bony body parts or people who suffer from night sweats or are hot sleepers. Other static options such as gel or water provide a cooler and more comfortable sleeping surface. Most water and gel designs include internal baffles to help keep the body balanced and in the center of the mattress, while at the same time eliminating the rocking effect associated with water mattresses. All static options require that the person be able to shift their own body weight or have a care giver for repositioning.

Dynamic medical mattress overlays include alternating pressure mattress systems. These systems reduce contact pressure by alternately inflating and deflating air cells within the overlay. Additionally, they allow for improved air circulation around the body to keep patients cool and dry. Some systems also offer a low air loss function that will maintain a drier sleeping surface and prevent moisture from collecting between the patient’s skin and the mattress.

Although many types of mattress overlay materials are available, no single type is effective for every situation. Please see the chart below to help you understand the features and benefits of different medical mattress overlays. It’s important you talk to your health care provider before making any purchase, especially if the person you care for is especially frail, spends a lot of time in bed, or has an existing pressure sore.

1. Pressure Relieving Foam

How it Works

  • Open cell" construction distributes body weight, reducing areas of high pressure.
  • Effectiveness is dependent on the thickness and density of the foam (3" height and 4 to 5 lb. density is generally recommended).

-Typically, latex foam or visco-elastic foam (also called Memory Foam).

-Effective in preventing and treating only certain types of pressure sores.

Items to consider:

-Some found the visco-elastic foam hot.

-Some found the visco-elastic foam difficult to turn over on.

-Bed height may be a concern.

  • For regular sleep hours (6 – 8 hrs)

-The quality of the surface below the overlay must be flat

-Foam can "Bottom out"

-Must be able to shift own weight or be repositioned


-Improvement of comfort requires an excellent surface below the overlay. No sagging

2. Gel and Foam

How it Works

-Gel sections are placed between a top and bottom foam layer to distribute body weight, reducing areas of high pressure.

-Has non-shear/low friction surface.

Items to consider:

-Ge can be heavy.

-Fluidized gel requires kneading to redistribute the gel.

-Must be able to shift own weight or be repositioned


-Improvement of comfort requires a quality surface below the overlay. Minimal sagging

-Prevention of pressure ulcers and treatment of very early stage ulcers

3. Alternating Air Pressure with Pump

How it Works

-Air cells inflate/deflate alternately so pressure on any given point changes continually.

-Air is delivered to the mattress overlay using an electric motor.

Items to consider:

-Pump needs to be plugged into an outlet.

-For extended hours in bed


-Improvement of comfort requires a good surface below the overlay. A bit more forgiving

-Prevention of pressure ulcers and treatment of early to later stage ulcers

-Extended hours in bed