Five interesting facts about Zumba classes in Dubai

Author: Sia Pitt

Zumba is one of the most versatile forms of exercise today. Zumba beautifully combines aerobic exercising with rhythmic dancing, creating a beautiful workout session which not only helps in maintaining the fitness of the body but also the cheerfulness of the mind. Zumba is getting highly popular among the modern youth all over the globe. People in Dubai too are taking up Zumba classes with great zeal. Various fitness centres and gymnasiums in the city are offering excellent training in Zumba. Needless to say, most of these classes are flooded with applications from the youth of almost every parallel of the society. With the number of Zumba enthusiasts increasing exponentially, here are five interesting facts about the dance cum fitness routine you should know,

  1. Zumba workouts were initially designed with the fusion of Latin music, predominantly salsa, rumba and reggae. Interestingly, in recent years, experts have devised the fusion of the dance routine with various other forms of music from all around the world such as Bhangra, belly dancing, Bollywood etc. Even leading music artists have started creating specialized music for Zumba. Award winning artists are now coming up with classy as well as catchy beats to team up with Zumba.

2. Zumbatomic is the term used to refer Zumba meant for children. This form of exercise mostly seeks to target the increasing obesity problem among kids. Zumbatomic has been extremely successful in generating the interest for physical exercise among young boys and girls. It is also gaining popularity asZumba for beginners. It is also quite safe compared to the other forms of Zumba.

  1. Zumba can also be practised in the water. Practising the dance form in water allows less stress on the joints and is extremely useful for people suffering from arthritis. It is also known to hail body aches and back sprains. It has been rightly named as Aqua Zumba. There are also workout designers working upon developing underwater Zumba dance workout.
  2. The fusion of furniture with any form of dance routine was unheard of before Zumba sentao got popular. Zumba sentao innovatively uses a chair to practise the workout postures to rhythmic music. It can also be considered a creative art-form and is gaining popularity very fast. It is speculated that Zumba sentao can be developed further by incorporating more such elements and given the shape of an established performance art.
  3. Zumba Gold is another development which focusses on the health of the old people. Old people suffer from various ailments and Zumba Gold is designed just to cater to those problems. It is light, flexible and a smoother form of the original Zumba. It is developing a niche position among otherZumba classes in Dubai.