Why a sense of accountability is necessary for your business
Instilling a sense of accountability in people is a cause of concern for many managers and leaders in today’s time. There are many factors for the lack of initiative on the part of managers. These include the fear of people leaving the firm or organisation leading to a avoid in the human resource, a fear of diminishing stature and becoming unpopular among the employees, or being rather confused about the concept and extent of permissible and sought accountability.
The lack of clearly laid rules or concepts perhaps leads to the lack of accountability in organisations. Organisations do not specify the acceptable behaviour, performance standards and values for the employees. This in turn leads to problems of accountability leading to poor performance of the employees reflecting negatively on the organisation.
It is therefore important to clear the confusion around the very concept of accountability in order to achieve the stipulated success on the work front. Here are a few things that might prove to be handy for a successful crucial accountability program we advocate for every firm, small or big. Have a look:
- Define what you desire: It is important to have a transparent listing and communicating of goals. You should be open to your employees about your expectations regarding their work and permissible acceptable behaviour. You cannot hold people accountable for something all of a sudden. In fact, there should be proper accountability training for the employees during the induction. This puts things into perspective for the new work force and facilitates smooth functioning of things.
- Inspection: To hold people accountable, the top management should be in control of what is happening around them. Periodic inspection of performance is the method holding fair trials. By monitoring and inspecting, you are not only in the position of holding them accountable but also could add to their overall performance by constructive feedback.
- Implement the accountability module: The most difficult task of any accountability module is the actual execution of it when people fail to meet what is expected of them. Firstly you need to give a review of the lacks and gaps on the part of the employee in a very nuanced manner. The employee should be given ample reasons for the actions that would follow against him/her. It is always advisable to base the review on facts. Secondly, you need to take the action. This could be anything depending upon the violation and gap. You should be absolutely professional in handling the situation and not feel guilty about the same.
- Be transparent: This is a very important step that needs to be inculcated in the accountability module. This also reflects on the nature of the firm. Equal accountability should be expected of all the employees. Also, it should be noted that the onus on the top leadership is manifold because they are the ones that set an example for the rest of the work force.
Crucial accountability training that covers various aspects of accountability is a must in all organisations. VitalSmarts provides a comprehensive training that you could avail of to deal with the accountability issues in your firm. Get in touch with them and a get a training module designed and customised specifically for your firm!