Role of Professional Supervision Canberra

Author: Vance Jerick

Professional supervision Canberra is necessary for improving performance and practice in workplace as well as for improvement in professional standards. Sound decision making, delivery outcomes as well as evidence based practices must be measured.

An important part of professional supervision is providing encouragement, support as well as an opportunity for reflecting, providing guidance as well as challenging as professionals for striving and maintaining high performance. In professional supervision, there is quarantined space and time wherein the supervisor would explore the role and would see if you are feeling valued and supported.

What is the purpose of professional supervision Canberra?

  • Integrating the objectives and aims of the organization along with practice of workers so that the best outcome can be achieved for clients.
  • Assessing as well as reviewing the workers needed for professional development at workplace so that positive outcomes for clients can be maximized.
  • Ensuring that the worker has clarity about accountabilities, responsibilities and roles.
  • Enhancing and maintaining the standards of practice of the organizations
  • Creating a space for reflection
  • Ensuring 2-way communication
  • Developing a positive and supportive environment for promoting high performance
  • Ensuring that the worker has proper understanding of working with clients and knowing the appropriate approach and models.

There are several benefits of Professional Supervision Canberra when it comes to organization, professionals, client groups etc.

Benefits for a professional:

  • Allows some time out of hectic work schedule for reflecting the role.
  • Ensures complete support
  • Identifies values and beliefs that have an influence on your work
  • Avenue to debrief
  • Allows time for discussing ethical dilemmas and client cases

Benefits for the clients:

  • Best possible service is offered to the clients
  • Tells them that you are experienced and have appropriate qualifications for doing the role.
  • You have latest and up to date models and approaches
  • You are efficient and competent in what you are doing
  • You have the confidence in carrying out services

The role of professional supervisors is that of a guide and teacher for a new supervisee. Where supervisee is engaged in supervision for some time, supervisor becomes a sounding board and a colleague. The supervisor provides guidance to topic areas and discussions that are within the agenda of the worker. Many supervisors provide encouragement to supervisee for developing an agenda before the supervision meeting and when there isn’t any time for developing one, agenda can be developed when the meeting commences. The supervisor is there for creating a space where the supervisee explores as well as reflects the practice.

The role of professional supervision Canberra is also to provide encouragement to the process of learning and development, often discussing and exploring information in supervision session. Often a good supervisor would encourage the worker for thinking what they are doing in the practice rather than telling them about process and task.

Author Bio:

The Author of the article has enormous knowledge about the Professional Supervision Canberra.