What Are The Simple Ways To Maintain Septic Systems?

Author: Dainy Morsen

A regular maintenance regime for your septic systems can easily save thousands of dollars from your pocket. It requires very little effort and can prolong the systems’ age in a hassle free way. Simple and cheap annual inspections can help you determine whether the tanks need to be pumped or not. These periodic inspections can save you from the troubles of system failure. For this you might need professional assistance. An expert can efficiently help you check the faults like cracks, clogs and overflow in the tanks and its pipelines.

Any inspection is supposed to include certain essential steps. These steps are:

  1. Comprehensive Location: Even a professional may sometimes be baffled by the exact location of a septic system. Locating the buried pipes will require efficiency and accuracy. It is recommended to keep a comprehensive map handy as it can save a lot of time and resist the confusions while locating the septic systems Madison CT.
  2. Accessibility of the manholes and inspection ports: It is recommended to keep the manholes and inspection outlets elevated and prominently accessible. It is better not to keep them buried under the ground as, though it may look good, it may reduce the accessibility. When these outlets are buried, one has to dig them out every time the tanks need an inspection or servicing. Keeping them above the ground can save a lot of time and effort.
  3. Inspecting the connections as well: This is also very important. Merely checking the tanks or drain fields and its pipelines will not give a 100 per cent resolution. It is essential to check the toilet flushes, the sink faucets, washing machine drainage line and other adjacent connections as well. This ensures that excess water is not getting drained in the tanks.
  4. Tracking the scum and residue layer inside the tanks: This definitely requires professional efficiency. The experts can help in tracking and measuring the residual deposit that has deposited inside the tanks. This has to be accurate as on the basis of the inspection’s results you need to decide whether pumping has to be done immediately or you still have got some time in your hand. The very basic indication is that if the residual deposit reaches the limit of one third of the total capacity of the tank or more then it is time to get the septic tank pumped and cleansed.

Author Bio:

This article is written by Dainy Morsen. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clear your doubts on septic systems Madison CT and Madison CT septic tank cleaning.