Experience your Whitewater Rafting Trip More Enjoyable and Safe

Author: Allan McNish

It is significant that when you hit whitewater in Georgia, you are equipped with the best possible clothing options like any outdoor activity. It is important to think about not only safety issues but also the weight and comfort of your clothes in deciding what to wear. You want to select clothing which is made from a material that easily sheds water or which dries quickly. Here is a list of some suggestions that should help to make your white water rafting trip more enjoyable and safe.

Personal Flotation Device

Unlike Stillwater boaters, not some participants in whitewater sports need to be reminded to wear their Personal Flotation Devices. It is the single most important piece of clothing that you will put on for your trip. You can make sure that you select the model that is appropriate for your weight. You can use all the fasteners, and make sure that the device fits well without causing undue rubbing.


A helmet is one of the other essential pieces of safety equipment for whitewater sports. In the event you are thrown from your craft in the rapids, a helmet will protect your head from bumping on a rock, otherwise which may result in brain damage or cause you to lose consciousness. Most whitewater helmets look like mushroom caps, with straps sitting below the jaw.


Some people assume that the rays of the sun are not affecting them because they are cool. Actually, the rays of the sun are intensified by water, even when you are moving. There are a number of things to do in Georgia on the river and everyone wants to enjoy a lot. So, it is very important that you are adequately protected from harmful ultraviolet rays while out on the open river. Select a sunscreen with 45 SPF or higher than that, and make sure it is waterproof.

Proper shoes

Shoes are very important for portaging as well as when it comes to protecting your feet from rubbing along the inside of your boat. If you are participating in an organized rafting trip, you will often find that guides motivate you to get out and swim in less risky parts of the river. In these situations, you will need shoes that are suitable for walking as well as suitable for in the water. There are a number of styles as well as brands of water sandals and boots that will fit the bill.


A wetsuit is also important in all times of the year. Always keep in mind that some of the best rapids can be found during the spring run-off, but due to mountain feeds, this will also mean reduced water temperatures. The day may seem warm at first, but once you are out on the water, you will find yourself rapidly cooling off.

Significantly, you can avoid wearing jeans or cotton at all costs during whitewater rafting. Both materials tend to retain water, and anyone who wears them on whitewater rafting trip will quickly find themselves miserable in reality.

For more information visit here :- http://visitcolumbusga.com.