Tips for Children Counselling Canberra

Author: Vance Jerick

For becoming an accomplished counsellor, several years of practice as well the necessary qualifications are need. However, if one applies the basic techniques of children counselling Canberra, one can become a very effective helper. Given below are some of the techniques:

  • The environment should be set right

If you are feeling safe in doing so, a quiet and private space should be created which is free from all kinds of interruptions. Advice of colleagues must be sought about the appropriateness and safety of the action. If possible, ensure that the seating is comfortable and ensure that there is appropriate ventilation and heating. When it comes to Children Counselling Canberra, the issue is addressed properly. Tell the child that the message of the conversation is private and that it wouldn’t be passed on to any 3rd party.

Make it clear that if the information given by the child is something which is related to danger or a possibility of self harm and abuse, it shouldn’t be kept confidential. Make sure that you have complete awareness about the protection policies of children.

  • Listening properly

1 way to encourage a young person or a child to talk is ensuring they know you are lending a listening year. The counsellor has to be attentive and this should be shown with the body language. This can be done by developing a good eye contact or facing a child properly. When you sit side by side by the child, he would definitely feel very less threatening. Don’t interrupt when the young one or the child is talking. When you occasionally say a ‘yes’ or nod, the child would feel quite encouraged. Report back a small summary to the child of what they have said. After this, ask them if you have got this right or not. Ensure you sound and look calm, caring and unhurried.

The right questions must be asked:

Open questions must be asked in comparison with closed question. Open questions cannot be answered with a no or yes and this would provide detailed answer and more encouragement. Ask them:

  • What are your feelings’?
  • What are the advantages of doing things in the way that you have suggested"
  • What are various disadvantages

Closed questions like these must be avoided:

  • Are you Sad?
  • Are you waiting for holidays?

Another disadvantage that is associated with closed questioning is that you can imply the desired answer within the question, which the child might have not given otherwise. An example of this is:

"Would you stop talking to the boy who upsets you? Here the answer would obviously be ‘Yes’.

Be affirming:

For encouraging the conversation, respect must be shown by taking accepting attitudes. Tell the child that you have respect for his opinions and views. This isn’t the same as agreeing with the actions or opinions of the child.

Author Bio:

The Author of the article has enormous knowledge about the Children Counselling Canberra & Counsellor Canberra.