Gratitude Heals : Spiritual Consulting by Power Your Life Network

Author: Power Your Life Network

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~ Thornton Wilder

It sounds too simple that being grateful and appreciative can have such a powerful impact on our health, relationships and outlook, but they do.

Researchers are now discovering that people who openly express their appreciation and gratitude experience more optimism, life satisfaction, and energy.

And, in recent scientific findings, people who feel grateful have been shown to experience less stomach upset, headaches, anxiousness and other stress and dis-ease related symptoms. They're not only happier; they are more contented with their relationships. Gratitude is healing and energizing and can pump up our energy and vitality.

So how hard can it be to be aware of all the little wonders and moments of thankfulness we have that often go unnoticed in a day, a week, a year? Now is the time to acknowledge them and even write them down. Why bother to write them? It's more powerful when you do.

Research studies, in which participants wrote down what were grateful for, reported a longer-lasting effect on their happiness than participants who did not journal.

The overall challenge we face is to keep up the feelings of gratitude and appreciation, despite low days and events that repeatedly challenge us. That's where it takes strength, will and courage. And maybe even a personal ritual that you create to see you through those moments when faith seems distant and hard to connect with, and the hurdles seem impossible to jump over or through.

It's during these troubled times when it's paramount to dig deep and remind yourself of something to be grateful for like your life, your breath, your loved ones and your ability to think and feel. Count your blessings and feel the gratitude swell inside you. Let those thoughts of thankfulness overcome the difficult moments and overshadow them with your focus and attention.

It's important to teach our children and remind our family members to express gratefulness. I always recommend to my coaching clients to help people get into the gratitude habit. At dinner or at a family gathering consistently go around the table and express how grateful everyone is, especially for the little things. Remember to include gratitude for the love of one another, even if family members are having their private feuds. Initially it may seem trite to some, however it does have a lingering effect and works its way into their hearts and minds. Thanksgiving can be our daily nourishment. Feast on it!

Remember that consciously and consistently expressing feelings of appreciation generates more energy of appreciation flowing into your life. Start now while you're reading this, on your commute home, or before sleep. Just moments of gratitude each day can miraculously change your life in the most desirable way.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ~ Albert Einstein

Award Winning Author and Speaker, Dr Jo Anne White, is a Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant and Energy Master Teacher. She's the Executive Producer, TV and Radio Host of the Power Your Life Shows. Dr Jo Anne specializes in Innovation, Transformation and Energy Medicine. Known globally as the 'Success Doc', she's helped millions of individuals and businesses shape their own dreams and master their own success. Her new online coaching program: The Self Sustainability System is launching soon!