Why San Diego Pediatrics Dentists Are the best

Author: Pediatric Dentist

Parents today do not see the importance of visiting a kid’s dentist and instead rely on the internet or each other. It is important to visit your kid’s dentist when your child develops cavities. A kid’s dentist is well trained and completed tests in Dentistry School. A pediatric dentist can provide general dental procedures or dental care for children. He should be board certified to prove that he/ she is a specialist on pediatric dentistry.

Pediatric dentists in San Diego are equipped with knowledge and skills needed to provide dental care. They offer high standards of excellence in patient care which assures parents that their children are in the best hands. You need to note though that not all pediatric dentists are board certified. To become certified a pediatric dentist has to pass an oral and written exam after residency.

Tooth decay is very common in children in San Diego. It is known as Early Childhood Caries and is recognized as a dental disease. Failure to observe dental hygiene can lead to dental decay. A good example is when kids fail to brush their teeth before they go to bed. Destructive bacteria build up and forms plaque that is responsible for the breakdown of the tooth’s enamel. To prevent ECC you need to encourage your children to practice good dental hygiene like brushing and flossing.

Today it is possible for filling to occur in children although only a kid’s dentist can do that. A plastic colored tooth is used to partially or fully cover the tooth.

How to Take Care of a Baby’s Teeth

If you want your child’s teeth to grow without developing cavities, you need to start taking care of them early. At six months, babies start developing their milk teeth. You should wipe your newborn gums shortly after delivery especially after breastfeeding. This is to prevent ECC from developing. Once the teeth start developing, clean them using a soft brush. Ensure that you clean the enamel properly so as to prevent cavities.

Bad Breath

Even after practicing dental hygiene your child has bad breath and you wonder what the problem could be. Bad breath can be caused by the food you eat such as onions and garlic. Food can cause short term bad breath. Bacteria in the mouth cause long term bad breath. In order to reduce bacteria you need to:

  1. Use an alcohol free mouthwash containing chlorine dioxide. The mouthwash will keep the mouth wet and make it unfit for bacteria to survive. Chlorine dioxide is able destroy the bacteria and get rid of the smell.

  2. 1. Use an alcohol free mouthwash containing chlorine dioxide. The mouthwash will keep the mouth wet and make it unfit for bacteria to survive. 2. Chlorine dioxide is able destroy the bacteria and get rid of the smell.

    3. Continue maintaining proper oral hygiene. Cleaning the tongue prevents bacteria growth.

    4. Drink plenty of water as water keeps the mouth moist.

    5. Seek medical attention as the bad odor could be as a result of oral disease.

    6. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables so as to have vitamin D that creates a hostile for bacteria growth.

    7. Confirm if it is a side effect of prescribed drugs.