Checking Your Baby’s Status Inside The Womb

Author: Miracle Inside

One of the most exciting phases of a woman’s life is being pregnant. The joy of having a life inside one’s womb is priceless. The minute one found out that she’s pregnant, is also the start of excitement and curiosity what the baby looks like.

Pregnancy tests are really demanding, but these are the best ways to make sure that the mother and the child are doing well for the duration of the pregnancy.Private maternity scans offer different 2D/3D baby scan imaging to check if the baby is doing well inside. A tear jerking period in parents’ life, seeing their child for the first time is an unforgettable event. The moment they saw the movements and the status of the baby is really unexplainable.

Present technology can capture even the actual feature of the baby’s physical appearance. 3d/4d baby scan studio offers ultrasound that can last up to 30 minutes every session.

How it works

Ultrasound scans are painless that has no known side effects on both mothers and babies. With the highly sophisticated machine, ultrasound scanning can view the full development of the baby inside. Parents opt to undergo the 3d/4d scanning as it assures them that the baby has normal development inside the womb.

Sonographers, the personnel in charge of the ultrasound test, are specially trained individuals to undertake such procedure to get perfect images of the baby.

The mother will be asked to lay down with their tummy uncovered. The sonographer will apply the ultrasound gel in the tummy. This gel is a great help for a good connection between the skin and the machine.

A handheld device will be passed over the tummy. It will be moved carefully to send and receive ultrasound waves and a picture of the baby will appear on the screen. The personnel need to check the position of the baby to capture a better view of the baby.

Advantages of undergoing the ultrasound scan

  • Determine the size of the baby – the actual age of the baby in weeks and months and the possible due date depending the age of the baby.• Know if you have one or more babies• If the baby has some abnormalities• The position of the placenta and the baby. During this stage, if needed, a caesarean operation might be advised depending on the position of the body.• Check if the baby is growing normally• Reveals the gender of the baby

The result of the ultrasound will be given after the test. If the sonographer suspects such problem, he will request parents to ask for another test or second opinion.