The Cool Advantages of Getting Married in Winter

Author: Ben Clerk

Think about the last couple of weddings that you have attended. You may have noticed that more often than not the wedding was held in the summer. It’s actually such a time honored tradition that many people feel that it is sacrilege to try and subvert it. Most often the rationale given behind the summer wedding is that since everything is bright and the plants are in full bloom after a long and bitter winter, the same feeling of something starting anew and fresh is what appeals to most people about getting married.

However, these days a lot of people have started to get married in the winter as well, if for nothing else than to just break free from the tradition. But in addition to wanting to try something new, you will find that there are a number of other reasons as well. Some of these points are elaborated on below:

  • In the winter the days are shorter, which means that you will be able to enjoy an even longer evening out with your to-be spouse! In addition, the winter evenings are, arguably, much more romantic than the summer evenings (unless you are in Paris, that is!). You will find that there are many couples who cherish going on an evening date with their loved ones in the days leading up to the marriage and you as such they are always outside. Plus, a winter date is much more romantic than a summer date as the snowfall and the white landscape truly makes everything seem that much more exotic and memorable.
  • It makes for a really stunning wedding video. When you hire the
best wedding videographers they will be able to transform your ordinary wedding video by using the environment to enhance the look and feel of your wedding. It’s snowing, the New Year is approaching and everybody is getting ready for both Christmas and the festive spirit is high, and any seasoned videographer will be able to capture this in their videos. It will make the video look much more appealing and really imbibes a festive feel in the video/photo. In addition, the shots of a candle burning bright for Christmas will also be really memorable and make people associate positive feelings with the wedding video as well.

  • After the wedding any married couple goes on their honeymoon, and travelling when its winter is much more pleasant than it is when it is summer. However, the only downside to travelling in winter is the fact that you have to deal with heightened prices of the tickets and for staying at the hotel. However, it can make for a really unique experience as not many couples go on their honeymoons in the winter and something which really makes one feel special.
  • One of the biggest advantages of getting married in the winter is that many of the best wedding venues will in all probability be available. Since very few people get married during this time, it isn’t unheard of to find that the premier venues available. This is a great advantage as you won’t have to deal with the rush to find a good venue, and the videographers you hire will be able to make a really attractive video as well, since the venue also has a huge impact on what the final video looks like!

With all of these amazing benefits, it isn’t hard to see why the winter wedding has become so popular these days!