Comfort and Cost

Author: Peaceofmind Advisor

Find an assisted living facility that meets all your comfort needs and accepts Medicare.

I desperately want to move my mother to my hometown. She is living on her own and I don’t like it. She has fallen a few times but thankfully hasn’t gotten hurt. There isn’t any family around to check on her every day so I’m trying to convince her to move. In order to make the move appealing I’m looking for an assisted living facility that accepts Medicare.

I know that my mother is on a tight budget and I will help her out but she needs to feel like she can still have some sort of independence. I need an assisted living facility near me that will be a comfortable place for my mom to live in. It can’t just be about the money; although the facility has to accept Medicare. It has to be a home where mom can make friends, play games, and maybe even go on outings to town. Of course, I will need to be able to take her shopping and visit her whenever I want. It’s time for me to go out and visit some assisted living facilities near me.

Before climbing in the car I jump online. I found a great website that helps me to narrow down my search options so I can find the right assisted living facility for my mom. I even found a checklist to help me get started. There is a lot of information I need before I can even think about getting mom moved in. For instance, she’ll need an initial assessment and a TB test. I will also need to ask a lot of relevant questions. I begin to make my list of questions and things to look for.

I will need to know how many staff members are on shift at night, are there any hidden fees not included in the monthly rent, and how will mom get her medication. I need this information and more. Part of my list reminds me to check certain things while I visit the assisted living facility. I want to visit with the other patients to ask what their experience has been like. I want to eat a meal in their dining facility and I want a guided tour so I can see for myself how clean each facility really is. It’s important for there to be a secure outdoor space where mom can walk or sit in the sunshine. It is going to take a lot of work but my mom is worth it.

I know that I will find the Medicare assisted living facility. I want to know that my mom is happy and safe and I can visit her every day. I need to know that she is making friends, engaging in activities, and eating a healthy diet. When I finally convince my mom to move I will be ready because I’ve done my homework and found the best assisted living facility near me.