How To Be Certain Your Los Angeles Auto Body Repair Was Done Correctly
Every driver, no matter how good, finds themselves in a fender bender or two. But even a minor collision can leave dents, scrapes, and dings in your car. When this happens, it's important to take your car in for quality Los Angeles auto body repair.
Finding the right auto body repair Los Angeles shop is vital! You want to be sure you can trust the body shop, which means paying a fair amount for proper repairs. But how can you be certain the job is up to snuff? Here are some ways to be certain your Los Angeles auto body repair is done correctly:
The car is clean. This may seem like a minor detail, but it's a sign that the auto body shop pays attention to the small things. The car should be washed, the interior cleaned and vacuumed, and the body free of dirt and dust.
There are no uneven gaps between panels. The gaps between each panel should be even, indicating proper alignment and a thorough repair to the frame (if necessary). Uneven gaps are a sign the job was not done correctly.
The tire and fender are equidistant on both sides. The tire should be the same distance from your fender on both sides. If one gap is larger than the other, something wasn't repaired correctly.
Turn on the headlights. This one may not work in broad daylight, but it's worth doing after dark. If the light beams are aligned, it's a sign the auto body shop did the work well. If the headlights are off, the repair was shoddy.
Check the frame spec printout. Ask your mechanic to see the frame specification printout before driving your car home. There will be the original printout from the manufacturer, and the printout generated after the repairs were done. The printouts should match, proving the car frame was restored to its original condition.
Check the paint job. ALWAYS pick up your car in the middle of the day, when you have plenty of sunlight to inspect the car by. Make sure the paint job matches (as closely as is humanly possible, of course). Paint matching is a science and an art, not one all body shops get right. The color should be consistent across multiple panels, and should be free of hairs, specks of dirt, rust, runs, drips, bubbles, or any other imperfections.
Ask about the warranty. Trustworthy auto body repair Los Angeles will offer a guarantee/warranty on their work. A 90-day warranty is the least you should receive--anywhere from 1 to 5 years is better! This is proof that the company stands by the quality of their repairs.